I see the usual suspects are out in force with their glass half empty attitude already (not in this thread).

Just watched 3 minutes of highlights and the first 3 plays were us passing it about going forward and creating good opportunities to score.

As soon as the first goal is conceded, through yet another defensive error, the panic button gets pressed and players stop doing their jobs.

It is a little early to be stressing but the basic principles need to be got right.
Sticking the ball in the onion bag and keeping the ball out of the onion bag. Simples no?

Currently we seem unable to do both but given that SM is trying to implement what many have been crying out for, for a decade, that is playing a bit of football with a clear identity, then he should be given a lot more time than three games before writing him off.

Changing the team for cup games in order to have a look at other players happens at every level so losing to Portsmouth should not be viewed as a catastrophe.
Morison I hope will have learned a lot from his players last nights performance.

The players when selected need to stand up and be counted.