Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
Indeed. Curious that James "Philomena Cunk" Wales is notably absent.

Sorry, it was Sunday afternoon, I was out walking instead of stalking the posts of CCMB and you expected me to post within 90 minutes!?

I’m not changing an opinion due to one Daily Telegraph opinion piece.

'Project fear’ which of course consisted of a myriad of different themes, but is perhaps most solidly demonstrated in the statements made by the chancellor in the weeks before the referendum, which included a huge rise in unemployment, a recession, a house price collapse, stock market collapse etc, just for voting to leave. None of that happened.

Now it can be strongly argued that Brexit hasn't helped matters, that may be true, but two months after leaving a global pandemic hit. As that was winding down, a war between Europes two largest countries erupted. That impacts upon things.

Notwithstanding the chaos of the last few weeks, which are of course nothing to do with a referendum from 2016, can you name a comparable European country that isn't experiencing more-or-less the exact same problems we are?

Name a country.