Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
ok so apologies I had assumed you meant the second Severn crossing and the Severn barrage as major infrastructure projects, but instead you were talking about the original Severn bridge and Cardiff bay barrage as examples of infrastructure spending by Westminster that benefits Wales.
that's 2 fairly small projects over the course of the last 60 years, the bridge funding was also repaid many times over by the bridge tolls, so that was effectively paid for by mostly the Welsh as well.
at any given time there are several multi billion pound infrastructure projects taking place in London at the same time. a little over 100m over the last 60 years is a piss in the ocean.
the Cardiff Bay Barrage cost over £120m. The point being is that Wales often benefits from UK wide projects that don't benefit other areas.

HS2 is going to cost say £100bn, so the Welsh equivalent would be £5bn over 20 years, or around £250m per annum. Given we already have around £16bn in fiscal transfers I'd say we're ahead of the game.