Interesting read when you absorb it all in as were spending 3 times more on this than housing the homeless already on our streets it no wonder folk get up tight .

The report finds that in terms of small-boats Channel crossings:

• 66.03% of the 45,755 people who crossed to the UK on small
boats through the English Channel in 2022 were males aged
between 18 and 39 years – (30,211 individuals).

This is almost ten times more than the number of females who fall in the same
age bracket (3,052 individuals).

• The number of small-boat arrivals of Albanian nationality rose
sharply between 2020 and 2021 (54 to 815 individuals) and
2021 and 2022 (815 to 12,301 individuals) – near-identical
increases of 1,409.26% and 1,409.33% respectively.

• In both 2018 and 2019, not a single person registered as an Indian
national arrived in the UK on small boats via the English Channel.
From 2021 to 2022, the number of Indian nationals who crossed
to the UK on small boats increased by 919.4% - from 67 to 683

In terms of the public costs of the small-boats emergency:

• Using the asylum backlog figure at the end of 2022 (166,261),
the total estimated one-year cost of asylum-related spending
on hotel accommodation, standard asylum-related allowances,
healthcare, and school places – along with the sustenance of the
new bodies such as the Small Boats Operational Command (SBOC)
and a technical unit specialising in asylum applications made by
Albanian nationals – is in the region of £3.5 billion.

• The mid-point estimate of the one-year public spend on
accommodating newcomers in hotels (£2.2 billion) is three and
a half times higher than the £630 million government investment
in 2022-23 to tackle homelessness in the UK.2
It also exceeds the
entirety of the government funding allocated for Round 2 of the
Levelling Up Fund (£2.1 billion).

• Using the asylum backlog figure at the end of 2022 of 166,261, if
everyone involved was in receipt of the standard weekly asylumrelated allowance provided by the UK Government, this would
have an estimated one-week cost of nearly £7.5 million. The
estimated one-year cost is nearly £390 million.

• Applying the healthcare-related spend per head for the general
population, the estimated one-week expenditure based on the
end-of-2022 asylum backlog figure of 166,261 people would be
over £13 million. Over the course of a year, this rate of spending
would add an estimated healthcare-related cost which is in the
region of £700 million.

• Based on the Department for Education’s expenditure per child,
the estimated cost of providing asylum-connected places for one
academic year of state-school enrolment – based on the endof-2022 asylum backlog figure – is over £186 million.

• The estimated salary costs of the new Small Boats Operational
Command (SBOC) are estimated at £23.7 million per year. The
corresponding cost for the new unit dedicated to processing
Albanian-national asylum applications is over £13 million.