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Thread: the rise of ukip

  1. #176

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Hopefully UKIP will fade away into obscurity after the referendum
    fade away , the way this country is going you must be joking, its like a refugee camp in many parts of britain now, and it will only get worse, if it carries on in the same vein for the next few years, all hell will break loose its a ticking timebomb waiting to explode a blind man can see it

  2. #177

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Blue View Post
    Seems to be the case.

    Thank God we've got Kippers to show the vast majority of us in Wales the error of our ways.

    Like surge I'm still waiting for any of the UKIP supporters on here to name a single policy of theirs that will benefit Wales.
    UKIP support abolishing the Severn bridge toll, something I am sure you will agree will benefit South Wales.

    Wales performs the worst out of the four countries of the union in a plethora of sectors. I am not saying my vote was correct (Tories, not UKIP) but Carwyn and Welsh labour have presided over failure after failure down the bay and enough is enough. After 17 years of one government surely it's time for change.

    Answer me this, why do some of the poorest areas of the UK vote Labour time and time again only to see their areas and lives get worse and worse. Grow a back bone, be brave, do something different and see what happens. Be it UKIP, Plaid or the Greens give someone else a go or continue to be a sheep like your forefathers before you and get shat on from ever greater heights.

  3. #178
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    You live in Arizona apparently so keep your beak out of my countries politics.
    Yet, it's ok for the non-resident UKIPers to interfere on our (I can still vote in Wales) country's politics?

    (BTW that's one use of a piece of grammatical technology, signifying possession, called an 'apostrophe'.)

  4. #179

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Yet, it's ok for the non-resident UKIPers to interfere on our (I can still vote in Wales) country's politics?

    (BTW that's one use of a piece of grammatical technology, signifying possession, called an 'apostrophe'.)
    Take a running jump Yankee.

  5. #180
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Take a running jump Yankee.
    More of a Cub.

  6. #181

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    fade away , the way this country is going you must be joking, its like a refugee camp in many parts of britain now, and it will only get worse, if it carries on in the same vein for the next few years, all hell will break loose its a ticking timebomb waiting to explode a blind man can see it
    What a load of bollocks. Name all the places in Britain that are like refugee camps? It's called multi culturalism.

  7. #182

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Welsh Assembly a complete waste of money.They are all second class politicians who have not got a clue what they are doing.Everything they run is piss poor.They are full of their own importance with little or no skill to do the job.A sign of their worth is when the likes of Hamilton gets elected.He couldnt get a job anywhere but turns up here and lands himself a post.What a bunch sorry but thats how I feel.Our country deserves better than this load of clowns.When I see them talking on tv I cringe any decent politicians has them beat hands down eg when Farrage and Carwyn Jones met only one winner there and it was not our boy..

  8. #183
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by valley boy View Post
    Welsh Assembly a complete waste of money.They are all second class politicians who have not got a clue what they are doing.Everything they run is piss poor.They are full of their own importance with little or no skill to do the job.A sign of their worth is when the likes of Hamilton gets elected.He couldnt get a job anywhere but turns up here and lands himself a post.What a bunch sorry but thats how I feel.Our country deserves better than this load of clowns.When I see them talking on tv I cringe any decent politicians has them beat hands down eg when Farrage and Carwyn Jones met only one winner there and it was not our boy..
    My intent is not to defend anyone in the Assembly. Who would you regard as a talented politician? What skills do they require? What skills does Farrage have exactly?

  9. #184

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    What a load of bollocks. Name all the places in Britain that are like refugee camps? It's called multi culturalism.
    multi culturalism

    what a load of bollux, wait till the riots start , its called trying to accomodate too many people without the resources to do it.

  10. #185

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Take a running jump Yankee.
    What does the place where someone live got to do with UKIP?

  11. #186

    Re: the rise of ukip

    I am not going into that but I do know shit from clay and our lot are shit.

  12. #187

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    What does the place where someone live got to do with UKIP?
    I don't like the fact he's pontificating to me and others who we should elect when he doesn't live here.

  13. #188

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    multi culturalism

    what a load of bollux, wait till the riots start , its called trying to accomodate too many people without the resources to do it.
    In fairness, some people have been saying that for a number of years. What do you hope these riots are like? Braying EDL mobs stringing up brown people?

  14. #189
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    multi culturalism

    what a load of bollux, wait till the riots start , its called trying to accomodate too many people without the resources to do it.
    If you feel hemmed in why don't you move to the continent of Europe. Here's one for you:

  15. #190

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    I don't like the fact he's pontificating to me and others who we should elect when he doesn't live here.
    Well you have spent the whole thread telling people why they should be creative and vote UKIP and now it turns out you didn't even have the balls to do it yourself.

  16. #191

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    multi culturalism

    what a load of bollux, wait till the riots start , its called trying to accomodate too many people without the resources to do it.
    Rubbish. Are you hoping for riots then? You do realise that we need immigration don't you? Without it we will not have enough of a workforce to pay their taxes so that we can look after our ever growing elderly population.

  17. #192
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    I don't like the fact he's pontificating to me and others who we should elect when he doesn't live here.
    We're all from the human race, my friend, and all (even you) have a stake in how the globe turns out. You're welcome to comment on politics in Arizona. I'd be interested to read what you think of Ducey and Sheriff Joe.

  18. #193

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Well you have spent the whole thread telling people why they should be creative and vote UKIP and now it turns out you didn't even have the balls to do it yourself.
    My opening line in this thread told everyone that I didn't vote for UKIP but I am glad they have some representation down the bay so I have hardly been deceptive about that. After 17 years of one party having the majority of power and seeing continual stagnation and being bottom of countless performance tables I am proud to urge my countrymen to do something different.

  19. #194

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Rubbish. Are you hoping for riots then? You do realise that we need immigration don't you? Without it we will not have enough of a workforce to pay their taxes so that we can look after our ever growing elderly population.
    i am saying that certain areas of britain are no go areas for certain sections of society

    many of the immigrants that come to britain do not wish to integrate into british culture, and form there own areas from that ethnic group. the reality is many dislike interference from outside. racial tension will spread across britain if the the continuous flood of immigrants is not controlled.

  20. #195

    Re: the rise of ukip

    It's called scare mongering. Besides you haven't explained how we will fund looking after our ever growing elderly population with a shrinking indigenous workforce.

  21. #196

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    My opening line in this thread told everyone that I didn't vote for UKIP but I am glad they have some representation down the bay so I have hardly been deceptive about that. After 17 years of one party having the majority of power and seeing continual stagnation and being bottom of countless performance tables I am proud to urge my countrymen to do something different.
    Well maybe you could tell us why you chose to vote Conservative as opposed to UKIP

  22. #197
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    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    i am saying that certain areas of britain are no go areas for certain sections of society

    many of the immigrants that come to britain do not wish to integrate into british culture, and form there own areas from that ethnic group. the reality is many dislike interference from outside. racial tension will spread across britain if the the continuous flood of immigrants is not controlled.
    The thing is, chris, if we took a look at your family history and genetics, you'd turn out to be an "immigrant". I believe nobody from the current crop inhabited the British Isles until the end of the last Ice Age (10k years ago) thus we must all be immigrants. Why can't you see the world as one great big melting pot of cultures and ethnicities and go with the flow and enjoy the vibrant diversity?

  23. #198

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Well maybe you could tell us why you chose to vote Conservative as opposed to UKIP
    Whilst perhaps you could tell us why you continue to vote Labour, maybe.

  24. #199

    Re: the rise of ukip

    its called asking for trouble and waiting for it to happen, and many will be only to happy to oblige. its only a matter of time.

    if you keep blowing air into a balloon , without tying a knot on the end of it, eventually it will burst, it is exactly the same scenario what will happen, unless immigration is radically controlled.

  25. #200

    Re: the rise of ukip

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    i am saying that certain areas of britain are no go areas for certain sections of society

    many of the immigrants that come to britain do not wish to integrate into british culture, and form there own areas from that ethnic group. the reality is many dislike interference from outside. racial tension will spread across britain if the the continuous flood of immigrants is not controlled.
    You seem desperate for this to happen.

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