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Thread: Farage is back at work again

  1. #1

    Farage is back at work again

    Just a normal day in the office.

    "Why are you here?" asks Juncker.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Guess he needs the handsome wage he like to pick up

  3. #3

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    'I know that none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives, or worked in business, or worked in trade. Or indeed ever created a job'

    Farage to MEP's

    This man is representing us....

  4. #4

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Farage is now Junkers Bitch !..well owned !!

  5. #5

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    'I know that none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives, or worked in business, or worked in trade. Or indeed ever created a job'

    Farage to MEP's

    This man is representing us....
    Maybe he knows more about the business world than me, but I'm not sure insulting the very people you are about to engage in massively important negotiations is a top move.

  6. #6

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Maybe he knows more about the business world than me, but I'm not sure insulting the very people you are about to engage in massively important negotiations is a top move.
    Nigel Farage, "Even no deal for the UK is better than the rotten one we have already got."

    The sweet talking bastard.

  7. #7
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    My god. His performance today was a million miles away from diplomacy. Completely the last thing we need. What an ego maniac. He took this an an opportunity for to gloat over his personal triumph. I expect many Brexiters will think this some kind of heroic cavalier performance. But as a famous hipster once said of him "he's a pound shop Enoch Powell and we've got to watch him". Too late now.

    Britain lost its Triple A rating yesterday. Horrendous news. We even managed to keep hold of this through the economic down turn which shows how much turmoil we are now in.

  8. #8

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue in the Face View Post
    My god. His performance today was a million miles away from diplomacy. Completely the last thing we need. What an ego maniac. He took this an an opportunity for to gloat over his personal triumph. I expect many Brexiters will think this some kind of heroic cavalier performance. But as a famous hipster once said of him "he's a pound shop Enoch Powell and we've got to watch him". Too late now.

    Britain lost its Triple A rating yesterday. Horrendous news. We even managed to keep hold of this through the economic down turn which shows how much turmoil we are now in.
    It looks as though he's trying to burn any bridges that remain before the proper politicians can begin negotiations.

    A grade A twat who's only thinking of himself, much like many of the leave voters.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by itkman View Post
    It looks as though he's trying to burn any bridges that remain before the proper politicians can begin negotiations.

    A grade A twat who's only thinking of himself, much like many of the leave voters.
    I feel sorry for those who bought into to his mantra, they have been used, and like everything in life the damage falls upon the less fortunate, when he and his like are gone to spend and spout ideology and right books .

  10. #10

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by herberthuw View Post
    I feel sorry for those who bought into to his mantra, they have been used, and like everything in life the damage falls upon the less fortunate, when he and his like are gone to spend and spout ideology and right books .
    They had every opportunity to read up on what they were voting for. Seems they were too scared of foreigners to care about the economic hole that would be left.

  11. #11

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    He just keeps on proving you wrong when you thought he couldn't stoop any lower doesn't he.

  12. #12

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    That junkter is quite a twat. His attitude added a few ticks to the vote leave for me.

    He wanted us gone so he can move forward with his one europe country plan.

  13. #13

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    They had every opportunity to read up on what they were voting for. Seems they were too scared of foreigners to care about the economic hole that would be left.
    The economic hole that will be filled in with surplus in years to come. Long term thinking not short term thinking.

    I voted our for the long term economic benefits.

  14. #14

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    The economic hole that will be filled in with surplus in years to come. Long term thinking not short term thinking.

    I voted our for the long term economic benefits.
    £350m a week, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  15. #15

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post

    I voted our for the long term economic benefits.
    I thought you'd voted leave?

  16. #16

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    The economic hole that will be filled in with surplus in years to come. Long term thinking not short term thinking.

    I voted our for the long term economic benefits.
    Can you explain where these long term benefits are coming from? You seem quite an economic expert so it'd be good to get some facts.

  17. #17

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Seems feisty in the chamber. One guy (Guy Verhofstadt) said that Boris is selfish and will stop at nothing to be the PM of the UK "or should I say, dual kingdom of England and Wales". He went on to say that they are getting rid of the biggest waste of the EU budget - Farage's salary.

    Farage is absolutely loving it too.

  18. #18

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    That junkter is quite a twat. His attitude added a few ticks to the vote leave for me.

    He wanted us gone so he can move forward with his one europe country plan.
    The plan that's never mentioned on the BBC

  19. #19
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    I fail to see how Nigel Flange helped our long term economic interests today. That kind of rhetoric is the opposite of what is needed to strike good trade deals for us. He's not not playing hard ball, he's playing with his own hard on.

    This part is directed at no one here but a type of electorate that the media keeps telling us about... I'm fed up of hearing about these "disaffected labour voters" who moved to UKIP. If you want to vote UKIP fine, we know the motivations and you're democratically entitled to seek out those ideals. But if you can't tell the difference between a left of centre party that favours unions and centralised government and a non inclusive right wing nationalist party that wants to break up centralised government, "red tape" and "buearocrasy", then you don't have the smarts to understand the impact of your vote. The two parties are close to binary opposites.

  20. #20

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    'I know that none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives, or worked in business, or worked in trade. Or indeed ever created a job'

    Farage to MEP's

    This man is representing us....
    It is obviously annoying you that someone would stand up and speak the truth. They (MEP's) are mostly career politicians who only care for maintaining the status quo and preserving the 'gravy train' that they are all on. Farage has every right to be there, represent his constituents and tell them all what a bunch of fools they are, until such time as we are no longer members of the EU and then he can withdraw and let them get on with it. I am not a Nigel Farage or UKIP supporter by the way, just someone who has had enough of all the bureaucracy, money wasting and uncontrolled immigration that the EU involves and for which no one has ever voted for.

  21. #21
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    way out west

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Maybe he knows more about the business world than me, but I'm not sure insulting the very people you are about to engage in massively important negotiations is a top move.
    That's my feeling.

    Personally I don't want that man representing me or my country in any way.

  22. #22

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    It is obviously annoying you that someone would stand up and speak the truth. They (MEP's) are mostly career politicians who only care for maintaining the status quo and preserving the 'gravy train' that they are all on. Farage has every right to be there, represent his constituents and tell them all what a bunch of fools they are, until such time as we are no longer members of the EU and then he can withdraw and let them get on with it. I am not a Nigel Farage or UKIP supporter by the way, just someone who has had enough of all the bureaucracy, money wasting and uncontrolled immigration that the EU involves and for which no one has ever voted for.
    'Ark at him, read the daily mail and knows everything...

  23. #23

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    The economic hole that will be filled in with surplus in years to come. Long term thinking not short term thinking.

    I voted our for the long term economic benefits.
    Seems you disagree with a load of economists... Any chance you can reveal why you're so optimistic? Or is it, you know, bollocks?

  24. #24

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    Seems you disagree with a load of economists... Any chance you can reveal why you're so optimistic? Or is it, you know, bollocks?
    You will know if you are reading these things that EVERY single one of the economic forecasts done by the remain (and any) economists have way way too many variables to make any single prediction close to reality.

    I had a similar point thrown at me in the build up to the vote. He said why are there no (or little) economic forecasts showing we will be better off in. Because its all made up. You could have a fag packet calculation that could be as accurate as one with a team of economists making up variables. If you know anything about economics then you will know it uses models of what has happened to try and predict what will happen. Never accurately. Nothing like this has happened, so you can use previous examples.

    There are very successful people out there that believe we will be better off. My business has seen an increase of 30% in trade outside the UK since last week. The fall in sterling will do wonders for our exports. And we need to increase our exports an awful lot.

  25. #25

    Re: Farage is back at work again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    You will know if you are reading these things that EVERY single one of the economic forecasts done by the remain (and any) economists have way way too many variables to make any single prediction close to reality.

    I had a similar point thrown at me in the build up to the vote. He said why are there no (or little) economic forecasts showing we will be better off in. Because its all made up. You could have a fag packet calculation that could be as accurate as one with a team of economists making up variables. If you know anything about economics then you will know it uses models of what has happened to try and predict what will happen. Never accurately. Nothing like this has happened, so you can use previous examples.

    There are very successful people out there that believe we will be better off. My business has seen an increase of 30% in trade outside the UK since last week. The fall in sterling will do wonders for our exports. And we need to increase our exports an awful lot.
    Ah I see, bollocks.

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