Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
Yes Mrs. R, they married not long after my mum came back to Cardiff, I have only understood in recent years, that my mum stayed in Bristol for 6 weeks, I thought i was an in and out job, (my mum and dad stayed in rooms when they 1st got married with my mums sister.) my nan was a fabulous lady and i loved the time i remember being at her house, butter wouldn't melt, but she was a fiery lady and would play f**k with my grandad, he was a big fella, but once nan went off on one he was a wreck the inequality in society, is not exclusive to current times, my mum and dad had a tough time growing up, like many at the time, the help that they got was from their respective families and with one side from Splott and the other from Strangetown you can imagine we are not a wealthy family but amongst the tough times have had some great times as we did last night.
Just seen your pic it's nice to get everyone together, it does not happen very often with my lot, there is always someone working or away, plus we are all quite far apart, not like the old days when we would all be in London at my Nan's for Christmas, I do miss her, she was full of guilt over my sister though bless her, she wouldn't sell her house in London until my sister was old enough to find them, then one day my sisters boyfriend knocked on her door pretending to be an insurance salesman to see if they still lived there.