Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
I'd say the standard for England when he got capped (2015) was still fairly high
Was it? Called up for qualifying games when England had already qualified. Perfect time for kicking the tyres on what may be available.

With regards to Bogle, yes he's scored at every level he played at, but so has Ings, and Ings has played at a higher level
Disagree on the first point, agree on the second.

In the season he scored 3 in 32, Ings suffered a serious injury that saw him out for a large portion of the season and he only started 15 games and was very much second fiddle to Charlie Austin. The next season, he becomes first choice, is injury free and bangs in 21 goals, he gets 11 in the Premier League the season after
Ah yes, forgot about that injury. Another knee injury. Looking at it, he'd already done both knees before joining Liverpool. Looking at that, I'd personally not want to touch a player with numerous knee injuries, especially a striker. Way too much risk for reward.

Does Healey have a higher ceiling? He's 24 next month and Ings had already been signed by Liverpool following his first Premier League campaign at that point
Well, that's not really how the ceiling for potential works but... evidence suggest Ings has peaked as at best a sub for Liverpool. Healey it's still uncertain; could well be a late bloomer but has something about him. Again, Healey is fourth choice at best for us. Chances are he won't necessarily go on to do much. Nothing's certain. All I'm saying is that if the stars align, everything goes amazingly well, I think he'd be a better player than Ings. Doesn't mean he will.

Bogle's ratio in the Championship is 1 in 3.3 games, Ings' is 1 in 3 appearances
Ings ratio is 1 in 3.2 recurring appearances. Not as big a difference there, Bogle having a smaller sample size in terms of appearances.