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Thread: Derby Innocent !!

  1. #1

    Derby Innocent !!

    We remain satisfied that the decision to postpone the fixture was the correct one in the circumstances at the time and that Derby County had made every effort to ensure the game had the opportunity to be played. They also communicated with the relevant stakeholders as it became clear it was in doubt due to safety concerns.

    EFL Statement


    They got away with it.

  2. #2

    EFL statement on Derby v Cardiff

    The EFL has now had an opportunity to consider the submissions of both Derby County and Cardiff City following the postponement of their Championship fixture on Sunday 18 March.

    We remain satisfied that the decision to postpone the fixture was the correct one in the circumstances at the time and that Derby County had made every effort to ensure the game had the opportunity to be played. They also communicated with the relevant stakeholders as it became clear it was in doubt due to safety concerns.

    It should be noted that matchday safety is a matter for the club to determine and the EFL’s policy with regard to the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is in place to provide a qualified ‘third party’ sign off for any game where the condition of the pitch is not the primary concern, so as to avoid the circumstances we saw on Sunday.

    From the information that has been assessed, it is clear that the decision to postpone the match was taken by the club but was reached following earlier consultation with the SAG, which includes the Police, other Emergency Services and Derby City Council. They agreed with the recommendation put forward by the club and that position was confirmed via the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) Chair shortly after the 8:30am announcement.

    The EFL was subsequently provided with a comprehensive report including a full risk assessment by Derby County as to the steps taken in the build-up to the decision being made.

    The EFL’s review has also ascertained that time pressure played a significant role in the parties reaching their decision, as, due to the 12 noon kick-off, significant numbers of people would have been heading to the stadium from approximately 9am with the conditions clearly unsuitable. The club also evidenced that they received notification from their stewarding contracting partner that a number of matchday stewards were unable to travel to the stadium due to the adverse weather conditions.

    Therefore it was in the best interests of spectator safety to postpone the game to avoid fans congregating in numbers. Derbyshire Police were also advising people on Sunday morning only to make necessary journeys in the local area following the overnight snow.

    The safety and security of supporters attending matches has to be paramount. Any decision to postpone a fixture is never taken lightly and not without full consideration of the impact it will inevitably cause the two clubs and their supporters.

    It should be noted that there was no issue with the playing surface at the stadium and therefore the match officials were not required to be involved in the decision making process. This was a matter of supporter safety, and they were informed of the postponement once the decision had been taken.

    The EFL has now contacted Derby County and Cardiff City to inform them of their findings, and no further action in regard to this matter will be taken. However, the EFL acknowledges that whilst the correct decision was taken in postponing the match, clearer and more effective communication around the decision making processes on the day would have assisted an already challenging situation. Derby County have been reminded of their responsibilities in this regard in order to ensure integrity of the competition is protected.

    As previously communicated the re-arranged fixture will take place on Tuesday 24 April 2018 and, refunds will be available to those fans that are no longer able to make the new date. There is no decision as yet as to whether the game will be selected for live broadcast on Sky Sports.

  3. #3

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    I have a funny feeling Karma will bite them on the arse. They'll get what's coming to them.

  4. #4

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by soulsurfer3 View Post
    We remain satisfied that the decision to postpone the fixture was the correct one in the circumstances at the time and that Derby County had made every effort to ensure the game had the opportunity to be played. They also communicated with the relevant stakeholders as it became clear it was in doubt due to safety concerns.

    EFL Statement


    They got away with it.
    Well innocent in the EFL's eyes but not in many others. Still we have to live with it, lets move on.

  5. #5

    Re: EFL statement on Derby v Cardiff

    It still leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. All credit to all who traveled and spent their hard earned supporting the team in difficult conditions. I guess the best we can hope for is in the re arranged game we STUFF THEM !!!! Don`t let them spoil this seasons efforts because WE ARE GOING UP !!!!

  6. #6

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    A whitewash. Very predictable.

  7. #7

    Re: EFL statement on Derby v Cardiff

    Quote Originally Posted by soulsurfer3 View Post
    It still leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. All credit to all who traveled and spent their hard earned supporting the team in difficult conditions. I guess the best we can hope for is in the re arranged game we STUFF THEM !!!! Don`t let them spoil this seasons efforts because WE ARE GOING UP !!!!
    Amen to that brother!

  8. #8

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    No sanction would have benefitted us anyway.

    Move on, keep momentum and beat them when we go back, provided it's not too warm for the little loves in April.

    I'm far from convinced the decision to postpone was correct but nothing was ever going to come from any challenge when health and safety is mentioned.

    The comment on the poor communication is quite interesting.

  9. #9

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Agreed, poor communication seems to be very convenient with the injuries etc. but its done.

    However, the EFL acknowledges that whilst the correct decision was taken in postponing the match, clearer and more effective communication around the decision making processes on the day would have assisted an already challenging situation. Derby County have been reminded of their responsibilities in this regard in order to ensure integrity of the competition is protected.

  10. #10

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    No sanction would have benefitted us anyway.

    Move on, keep momentum and beat them when we go back, provided it's not too warm for the little loves in April.

    I'm far from convinced the decision to postpone was correct but nothing was ever going to come from any challenge when health and safety is mentioned.

    The comment on the poor communication is quite interesting.
    It's not a case of getting a sanction to benefit us. It's about getting a team who cynically postponed a game at their own whim due to injuries, directly affecting teams in and around the playoff spots sanctioned which would disincentivise other teams from considering doing the same thing in the future.

    It's about correcting any possible advantage Derby now gain over thoe teams around them.

    "Poor communication" is merely an absolute cop out by EFL as an excuse to avoid getting involved in having to sanction a team in the playoff spots.

    What this ruling says is that ANY other team can pull the same stunt in the similar circumstances, following precisely what Derby did and only get a reminder about communication. The fact that plenty of the evidence had little to do with communciation has been overlooked.

  11. #11

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Derby got away with one, and who can blame them? They pushed the boundaries to the limit. They did what most teams would do in their position.
    Not much fun for our travelling fans, of which I was one, but when you decide to follow a football team as your hobby, then you learn, or should learn to live with every scenario possible. It comes with the territory.
    Let’s put this to bed now, and get on with the run in. We are in a much stronger position than Derby, and we can have some fun when the rearranged game takes place. They will certainly be under more pressure than us.
    PS. In the unlikely event I got offered a refund by Derby for travelling expenses, I’d tell them to shove it.

  12. #12

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    It's not a case of getting a sanction to benefit us. It's about getting a team who cynically postponed a game at their own whim due to injuries, directly affecting teams in and around the playoff spots sanctioned which would disincentivise other teams from considering doing the same thing in the future.

    It's about correcting any possible advantage Derby now gain over thoe teams around them.

    "Poor communication" is merely an absolute cop out by EFL as an excuse to avoid getting involved in having to sanction a team in the playoff spots.

    What this ruling says is that ANY other team can pull the same stunt in the similar circumstances, following precisely what Derby did and only get a reminder about communication. The fact that plenty of the evidence had little to do with communciation has been overlooked.
    Well as fishy as it all looks, the EFL have decided it wasn't worth any penalty. They have no need to side with Derby.

    Don't think any team will start doing it, it's not something I've particularly noticed happening before. Unfortunately other than communication it's hard to prove, there was snow, undoubtedly some of the fans would have had trouble getting there, throw about health and safety and I'm not sure the EFL can do much.

  13. #13

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Perhaps we can put this to bed and move on to getting promotion now.

  14. #14

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    There's an old Chinese proverb 哦,他媽的,欺騙混蛋

  15. #15

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    Well as fishy as it all looks, the EFL have decided it wasn't worth any penalty. They have no need to side with Derby.

    Don't think any team will start doing it, it's not something I've particularly noticed happening before. Unfortunately other than communication it's hard to prove, there was snow, undoubtedly some of the fans would have had trouble getting there, throw about health and safety and I'm not sure the EFL can do much.
    EFL haven't sided with anyone, they've simply refused to get involved.

    The problem is the evidence is wholly circumstantial. There was snow, no local roads however were closed. Some fans having trouble getting to a game isn't reason to postpone. 'Elf and safety would have been concerned about the ground and local conditions solely. When everything is totted up, it's clear the "improve communications" verdict is simply a way of avoiding doing anything whilst seeming to uphold integrity - even more damning given Derby repeatedly changed their verion of events. The initil fudge gave them time to make their story slightly more coherent.

    Should Derby beat us in the rearranged game and gain points they may well have not got had the game been played, then it';s clear the intgrity of the league has gone.

  16. #16

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Utterly predictable, the English Football League were never going to get involved....

    Complete incompetence is their speciality

  17. #17
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Cop out by the EFL - which is no surprise.

    They initially accepted the postponement just on Derby's say-so - and any backtracking would have been embarrassing. It could also have opened up the prospect of lawyers getting involved and all the risk and cost that entails.

    Apart from the comment on poor communication they seem to be saying that fans would only have set out after 9.00 (!) and also blurred the decision-making process and timeline in their statement. However, it is clear that DCFC made the decision and the SAG accepted it after the event, but that some 'consultation' took place with 'stakeholders' in the day before. No reference to the worse conditions a fortnight earlier when DCFC had a stronger squad and decided to play. No reference to the conditions after 8.30 around the ground (the 'new' photos that were attached to the EFL statement show a light dusting of snow in the early morning).

    As far as I'm concerned Derby are guilty as charged, but the story is now over and it's time to move on. I just hope we stuff them on 24th April.

  18. #18

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    A bit more ..

    EFL chief exec speaks out

    “The issues the EFL and both Derby County and Cardiff City have faced since Sunday’s postponement have been challenging, complex and difficult for a number of reasons, not least the early kick-off time which forced decisions to be made much earlier than is usual in these circumstances.

    “As a result of this week’s events a number of important lessons have been learned and we will be working on some revised advice and guidance that will be issued to all 72 clubs in the event they are faced with a similar scenario in the future.

    “Whilst the EFL maintains the correct decision was ultimately taken by Derby County, it is important to note that in their submission, Cardiff City FC raised some exceptionally valid points that, quite rightly, will form part of our overall review.

    “We will be putting the issue of match postponements on the agenda for our next Supporter Engagement Meeting that will take place before the end of the season in order to directly address these issues and to understand how we give the appropriate consideration to the fans who are affected by these decisions.”

    EFL Chief Executive Shaun Harvey

  19. #19

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Is there a reason why kick-off wasn't delayed?

  20. #20

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    This truely is a .......

    Oh hell this is so dodgy it’s impossible to deal with properly so we have to blame it on the early kick off.

    It really really stinks.
    The more I have thought about this the worse it looks.

    No action. Correct decision to call game off but at the same time clearly accepting that NW calling it a disgrace is also valid.

    Too difficult to deal with. Derby 1 EFL 0 game over 😂

  21. #21

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Is there a reason why kick-off wasn't delayed?
    Derby didn't want to play the game at any time. That's your reason.

  22. #22

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Blue View Post
    I have a funny feeling Karma will bite them on the arse. They'll get what's coming to them.
    Yep, a fully rested, rejuvenated, and already promoted City team are going to whip their asses badly. Warnock will not be required for the team talk that day either

  23. #23

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    If "our Neil" had done it we would all be laughing and saying how great and canny he is.

    Let it go and let's do our talking on the pitch.

    Sure people have not been refunded after travelling to places like Carlisle Inn the past.

  24. #24

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Is there a reason why kick-off wasn't delayed?
    This is a very valid point.

    30 40 years ago, well before undersoil heating and all the modern conveniences these days, kick off times were delayed to try and get games played.
    I remember things like specials trains being late, players coaches held up in traffic, snow removal from the pitch.

    To use the early kick off time as an excuse is quite pathetic and an insult.

    Yes we move on but the matter is far from satisfactory for us, as I, and many others predicted it would be.

  25. #25

    Re: Derby Innocent !!

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    This is a very valid point.

    30 40 years ago, well before undersoil heating and all the modern conveniences these days, kick off times were delayed to try and get games played.
    I remember things like specials trains being late, players coaches held up in traffic, snow removal from the pitch.

    To use the early kick off time as an excuse is quite pathetic and an insult.

    Yes we move on but the matter is far from satisfactory for us, as I, and many others predicted it would be.
    Bradford brought a midweek game forward in the 1980s because their floodlights failed - the good old days!!

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