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Thread: Stay in the EU petition

  1. #651

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Well you obviously think it would be a 'walk in the park' to remain, the way you have been banging on about this issue for the last few weeks. How would you cope if it turned out to be another leave vote. Oh - I forgot, you would claim that it was all a big mistake again and that people didnt know what they were voting for and would call for a third one, just to sort it all out.
    But this one has been proven illegal they’ve even removed their challenge and paid the fine.

    No ones saying it’s a mistake we are saying it’ll be bad for the economy and for the citizens of the country. Which it will be and already is.

    Why do you think it’s worth doing? Oh I forgot you won’t answer.

    If it turned up for another leave vote I would still consider it a terrible idea and I would continue to bang on about it being a terrible idea (because it is) just as the tories who wanted to leave the EU have since we joined it.

  2. #652

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    I actually think the majority of leave and remain voters want the same thing, a fairer society for the working class.

    I just think both sides believe this inequality have been caused by different things.

    I just don’t see how leaving and making our economy worse could address this.

    There are a small percentage of racist scum bags and fascists who ruined the leave demonstrations at the weekend. If I was a leaver I’d be disappointed at Tommy Robinson banging on about Islam and Rees mogg quoting a far right German party.

  3. #653

    Re: Stay in the EU petition


    Are we edging closer to something?

  4. #654

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

  5. #655

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Aren't we all

  6. #656

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    Are we edging closer to something?
    Interesting about this is that Plaid cymru MPs voted for all of these compromises with the exception of leaving with a customs union. If they had voted for that it might have carried.
    I wonder if they can get some kind of bribery for Wales like the DUP got

  7. #657

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Interesting about this is that Plaid cymru MPs voted for all of these compromises with the exception of leaving with a customs union. If they had voted for that it might have carried.
    I wonder if they can get some kind of bribery for Wales like the DUP got
    If it’s like the bribery May tried with north it’ll pale in comparison to what Wales gets from the EU.

  8. #658

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    If it’s like the bribery May tried with north it’ll pale in comparison to what Wales gets from the EU.
    Not arguing with that.

  9. #659

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    But this one has been proven illegal they’ve even removed their challenge and paid the fine.

    No ones saying it’s a mistake we are saying it’ll be bad for the economy and for the citizens of the country. Which it will be and already is.

    Why do you think it’s worth doing? Oh I forgot you won’t answer.

    If it turned up for another leave vote I would still consider it a terrible idea and I would continue to bang on about it being a terrible idea (because it is) just as the tories who wanted to leave the EU have since we joined it.
    Apart from this post, to put you in the picture, the reason that I wont answer has nothing to do with my lack of information or knowledge on this issue but everything to do with the fact that I have no wish to be in any sort of discussion or disagreement with you any more, on any topic on this board. You have proved yourself to me to be a nasty piece of work in the past with your insults, crudity and profanity, against anyone who dares to disagree with your opinions. I don't need to be lectured by someone like you on my EU beliefs thank you very much.

  10. #660

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    This article sums up the mess we’re in quite nicely...


  11. #661

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    This article sums up the mess we’re in quite nicely...

    Won't make the headlines in the Mail though. This is what "taking back control looks like"....UK a laughing stock around the world, money flowing out, investment down, a dysfunctional government, fake promises of easy trade deals. Better off inside the tent. Still, the general election will sort it out.

  12. #662

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Apart from this post, to put you in the picture, the reason that I wont answer has nothing to do with my lack of information or knowledge on this issue but everything to do with the fact that I have no wish to be in any sort of discussion or disagreement with you any more, on any topic on this board. You have proved yourself to me to be a nasty piece of work in the past with your insults, crudity and profanity, against anyone who dares to disagree with your opinions. I don't need to be lectured by someone like you on my EU beliefs thank you very much.
    Happy for you to post out anywhere I’ve insulted anyone. I don’t think I’ve said anything untoward especially in this thread.

    I have nothing against anyone who voted leave, there’s massive inequality in this country and they wanted to upset the status quo and a lot of the information released during the election made this look possible. Now we know the only flavour of Brexit is a bad one I’d like to know why you and others are so desperate for it still. Because I just cannot see a reason.

    I think this thread has been very polite and well spirited. It’s a shame very few people have given a legit reason for voting leave but if you don’t want to fair enough.

  13. #663

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    This article sums up the mess we’re in quite nicely...

    Everyone should read this but the one’s who really should won’t.

  14. #664

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Head of ford U.K. on ch4 news says a no deal would mean billions in pounds of Tariffs for them and would risk 14,000 jobs. Even though they’ve already spent £10 million to prepare for it.

    Even if you want brexit how can anyone think a no deal is a good idea?

  15. #665

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Brexit poll reveals all of England and Wales now favour no deal - except London


  16. #666

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Brexit poll reveals all of England and Wales now favour no deal - except London

    So put it to the ****ing vote. Surely you Brexiteers now have nothing to fear.

  17. #667
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    So put it to the ****ing vote. Surely you Brexiteers now have nothing to fear.
    Brexiteers don't need to put it to another vote. They won, remember?

  18. #668
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    On an earlier note This from a BBC post would tend to add some weight to Wales Bales' comment about the German Economy (God forgive me )

    "With the deadline for a Brexit decision looming next week on 12 April, Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer believes the risk of the UK leaving without a deal have "risen dramatically". This is something German business find no laughing matter.

    A recent poll suggested 100,000 German jobs could be affected by a no-deal Brexit.

    The BDI Federation of German Industry warned Germany would lose at least 0.5% of its GDP - and this at a time when the German economy is already heading south.

    That, I think, is why there is a sudden, noticeable softening in tone when EU leaders speak about Brexit."

    Ms Kramp-Kerrenbaur is the leader-in-waiting to take over from Merkel, so we should give her the benefit of some insight to the problem. The loss of GPD to an economy already faltering in an organisation with acknowledged financial and funding problems (recession, Italy and Greek debt problems etc) would have no small affect on the overall economic outlook.

  19. #669

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    On an earlier note This from a BBC post would tend to add some weight to Wales Bales' comment about the German Economy (God forgive me )

    "With the deadline for a Brexit decision looming next week on 12 April, Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer believes the risk of the UK leaving without a deal have "risen dramatically". This is something German business find no laughing matter.

    A recent poll suggested 100,000 German jobs could be affected by a no-deal Brexit.

    The BDI Federation of German Industry warned Germany would lose at least 0.5% of its GDP - and this at a time when the German economy is already heading south.

    That, I think, is why there is a sudden, noticeable softening in tone when EU leaders speak about Brexit."

    Ms Kramp-Kerrenbaur is the leader-in-waiting to take over from Merkel, so we should give her the benefit of some insight to the problem. The loss of GPD to an economy already faltering in an organisation with acknowledged financial and funding problems (recession, Italy and Greek debt problems etc) would have no small affect on the overall economic outlook.
    You make it sound like only Germany are affected.

  20. #670

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Rhys Mogg im sure is the proof time travel is possible. Im convinced hes from the 1800s

  21. #671
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Rhys Mogg im sure is the proof time travel is possible. Im convinced hes from the 1800s
    Earlier than that. Isn't his nickname 'The Honourable Member for the 18th century'.


  22. #672

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    On an earlier note This from a BBC post would tend to add some weight to Wales Bales' comment about the German Economy (God forgive me )

    "With the deadline for a Brexit decision looming next week on 12 April, Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer believes the risk of the UK leaving without a deal have "risen dramatically". This is something German business find no laughing matter.

    A recent poll suggested 100,000 German jobs could be affected by a no-deal Brexit.

    The BDI Federation of German Industry warned Germany would lose at least 0.5% of its GDP - and this at a time when the German economy is already heading south.

    That, I think, is why there is a sudden, noticeable softening in tone when EU leaders speak about Brexit."

    Ms Kramp-Kerrenbaur is the leader-in-waiting to take over from Merkel, so we should give her the benefit of some insight to the problem. The loss of GPD to an economy already faltering in an organisation with acknowledged financial and funding problems (recession, Italy and Greek debt problems etc) would have no small affect on the overall economic outlook.
    A noticeable softening? France are looking increasingly like they can't wait for the UK to feck off.

  23. #673

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    A noticeable softening? France are looking increasingly like they can't wait for the UK to feck off.
    I know I don’t understand what people are seeing that make them think there’s any weakening.

    That article above is a good example how statistics can be used to generate any headline, especially if the question asked is ignored.

  24. #674

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Brexit poll reveals all of England and Wales now favour no deal - except London

    Really? I would be surprised if the feelings behind that are not "just get on and do it" rather than favouring no-deal. At this point I haven't heard any positive reason for continuing to Brexit other than 17.4 million people voted for it when it was vague and undefined. I've love to feel optimistic about it but need to hear actual positives rather than referring back to a referendum that the leave campaign now are not challenging conclusion that they broke the law to win.

    Rees-Mogg is now saying if the UK stays within the EU then can veto any large changes that a euro-sceptic would disagree with:

    If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.
    Not that everyone agrees with Rees-Mogg's interpretation, Andrew Neil:

    The EU will not grant us a long extension unless we agree to abstain or vote with majority on important votes. Macron’s “integrationist schemes” apply only to Eurozone. There is no putative EU army. There’s barely a Germany army. Jake the Mogg in fantasyland?
    What are the positive reasons for leaving the EU? Who is making that argument now?

  25. #675

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Really? I would be surprised if the feelings behind that are not "just get on and do it" rather than favouring no-deal. At this point I haven't heard any positive reason for continuing to Brexit other than 17.4 million people voted for it when it was vague and undefined. I've love to feel optimistic about it but need to hear actual positives rather than referring back to a referendum that the leave campaign now are not challenging conclusion that they broke the law to win.

    Rees-Mogg is now saying if the UK stays within the EU then can veto any large changes that a euro-sceptic would disagree with:

    Not that everyone agrees with Rees-Mogg's interpretation, Andrew Neil:

    What are the positive reasons for leaving the EU? Who is making that argument now?

    You'll wait a long time to get a sensible answer on that one!

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