Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Such hysterical anger !
I didn’t tell anyone what opinions they can have.
Some people might think liberty is even more important than safety- ever considered that ?

I can’t even de cypher the stuff about vox pops and it’s not implicit in protecting the Constitution that you want people to kill anyone.

It’s only the dumbed down generation who think charts and graphs are a substitute for common sense or logical thinking so no I won’t bother with that bollocks.

You don’t seem to grasp that there are so many guns in the USA which is a big place that it’d take 100 years of gun control before you’d reduce gun crimes.

Bit freaky wishing people harm because they said something you didn’t like on a message board really!
The vox pop and charts thing wasn't a real challenge for you. Someone of your self-professed intelligence and ability to think logically should surely be able to understand obvious sarcasm. I said it in relation to your comment: "We don't hear the dumbed down generation complaining about countries where they execute homosexuals and adulterers , prevent females going to school or perform genocide , but they're incandescent with rage that a free country allows its citizens personal responsibility and freedom from state intervention before any crime has been committed ."

I'd like to know how many of these people you actually know to even be aware of what they say or believe. It's the usual shit espoused by those who can't back up their own arguments so they invent a new one, with a nice side of whataboutism. If the dumbed down generation were complaining about the things that you mentioned (which they very obviously do), which alt-right website or news channel that you so obviously frequent would you be able to access that information from? (see, I can generalise too).

It would take 100 years to reduce gun crimes?! To just reduce it... really? Even as little as not having more than one mass shooting every single day? (There have been 253 confirmed mass shootings (four or more people being shot) so far this year in the States - we're on day 216).

Even if something took a long time to fix, is it not worth even trying? (isn't that the motto of the Brexiteers?)