Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
So, you think this was wrong from when you were their age?


I was there actually ! I wasn't demonstrating though.
That aside, I thought a lot of stuff which was nonsense when I was that age, but I didn't go round being as rude to decent people as some of this lot do, ( besides the point I know ). Might I have been naive and daft enough to think I was able to comment on such a complicated issue ? Maybe, but I think I'd have listened if someone who'd been around the block a bit put a different view and I'd have known that I probably still had a bit to learn .
To be honest with you Bob, I think I was more concerned at that age by the idea of making my own way and trying to get involved in the wider world than I was by theorising from afar on foreign affairs.

I expect that I suffered from all the faults of youth, but someone has to point out to kids that there's usually another side to things and that's all I was doing really .