Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
I've known completely normal people who have come from families so dysfunctional that if you put it in a novel no one would believe it. Don't confuse mental health and unhappiness. Some of the people seeking solace from life's problems via drugs and prescriptions would be better off taking responsibility for their own health and mental state.
Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
That story doesn’t make sense. If she was abused by the uncle why did she have to leave home? Was the uncle living in her house? Did she tell the police or her parents? If she left home why did she have to live on the streets? Most 16 year olds who leave home don’t sleep on the streets. If she was on the streets how could she afford heroin. In your story she was taking heroin before she became a prostitute. If she could afford the heroin before she became a prostitute why did she need to become a prostitute? This story seems to full of people and things making her do things. Most druggies are like that. It is never something they chose to do. It is always something forced on them.
Your ignorance is staggering , thousands of young people leave home to flee abuse from relatives , often it is the father or step father , often it is a family member like an uncle , people who are abused are often threatened that if they do tell anyone , they wont be believed or will be in trouble ....so they turn to drugs to block out the pain ....most 16 year olds who are forced to leave home because of abuse are either lucky enough to be offered temporary accommodation by homeless charities or they sleep on friends sofas or sleep on the streets

This isn't a story , it's real life ......why do you think there are several charities in cardiff dedicated to the serious problem of youth homelessness ?

She could afford heroin because dealers offer vulnerable people cheap drugs to get them hooked and by the time they have a habit , she pays for the heroin by selling her body for sex

You clearly have no idea about the cycle of abuse , drugs , homelessness and poverty , no idea at all

I used to work with young homeless kids in a project in cardiff and one in bridgend , clearly you have the answer to the problem , the young kid being abused by her uncle or step father should pull herself together , eat healthily , go for a run and get a job , get in touch with social services , the police and the local council who have hundreds of cosy flats for young homeless people , I think you should tell them where they are going wrong

Jesus ****ing christ I think some people out there are living in the ****ing clouds