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Thread: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

  1. #51

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Big mistake number 1 - electing the wrong Milliband brother.
    It was the right Miliband, he just got nobbled by the media. The other one was a Hillary arse licker.

  2. #52

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Funny! A man who wanted to invest heavily in Health (There's an idea) Public Transport, Workers rights, Contracts and pay (Alot of people are very concerned about this at the moment) Would have prefered to have talked rather that attacked and maimed (foreign policy) Cared for the vulnerable and increased services to those who needed it the most. Ring any bells lads and lasses? If that's 'Mad Leftie) then bring it on. The self Employed and those in jobs without contracts working for shithouses who don't care if their workforce ends up in extreme poverty are feeling the brunt of Tory policy that has allowed businesses to use their workforce like pit ponies. It's happening right now, Peoples misery due to this virus is being made worse by historic Tory policy.

    People who voted for a Tory government are going to see in real time what they signed up to, that's the poorest and most vulnerable suffering even more. Well done. It's a bit like asking a stranger to kick you in the bollocks then complaining because it hurts.
    Inspired post Tuerto, nail and head!

  3. #53

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Funny! A man who wanted to invest heavily in Health (There's an idea) Public Transport, Workers rights, Contracts and pay (Alot of people are very concerned about this at the moment) Would have prefered to have talked rather that attacked and maimed (foreign policy) Cared for the vulnerable and increased services to those who needed it the most. Ring any bells lads and lasses? If that's 'Mad Leftie) then bring it on. The self Employed and those in jobs without contracts working for shithouses who don't care if their workforce ends up in extreme poverty are feeling the brunt of Tory policy that has allowed businesses to use their workforce like pit ponies. It's happening right now, Peoples misery due to this virus is being made worse by historic Tory policy.

    People who voted for a Tory government are going to see in real time what they signed up to, that's the poorest and most vulnerable suffering even more. Well done. It's a bit like asking a stranger to kick you in the bollocks then complaining because it hurts.
    Many voted Tory because the remainers wouldn't accept the will of the people.

  4. #54

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It was the right Miliband, he just got nobbled by the media. The other one was a Hillary arse licker.
    Dave Milliband ahead in all stages of voting until the Union votes coalesced at the final stage.

    Unions wanted Ed, unions got Ed.

  5. #55

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Dave Milliband ahead in all stages of voting until the Union votes coalesced at the final stage.

    Unions wanted Ed, unions got Ed.
    Establishment didn't want Ed, establishment didn't get Ed.

  6. #56

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Many voted Tory because the remainers wouldn't accept the will of the people.
    Agree, although it was a big risk to take for alot of people in my opinion. Corbyn was in a difficult position in that his social policies had attracted quite alot of middle class vote who although not left wing by nature are certainly humanitarian and were taken by his social policies, same with the young and student population. He would've alienated some of them by not showing huge enthusiasm towards the country being a member state of the EU, he's not a fan, neither am i, although we've done that already. Then there was the traditional labour vote in the ex industrial areas who (in my opinion) thought that voting to leave was a protest against a governing body who they felt had let them down and felt just as isolated under EU legislation as they did under previous UK governments. He was on a hiding to nothing really.

    All Boris had to do was chuck out some semi Churchillian sound bites and not really deal with the main issues, piece of piss for him really.

  7. #57

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    To be fair, although threads like this pop up every now and then, and they can be quite amusing, as usual, it’s just all guff and hot air.
    Since I was born, there have only ever been Conservative and Labour Governments in the UK, with the exception of one coalition.
    It’s been the same arguments, regurgitated, time after time..
    I’ve yet to see a government that can keep a 60m + population all happy, and I never will.
    It’s easier to nail blancmange to a ceiling.
    A socialist country would be as fraught with problems as a capitalist country is.
    Mankind will always have folk at the bottom and folk at the top.
    There will always be poor folk and rich folk.
    There will always be strong folk and weak folk.
    The majority of us find our comfortable niche somewhere in the equation, live our lives as well as we can and then shuffle off our mortal coils into oblivion.
    If we can navigate through what can sometimes be a beautiful world, and sometimes a complete cess pit, to a ripe old age, then we can count ourselves to be the lucky ones.

  8. #58

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Duffy will be under immense pressure and stress at the moment. Put your cock away and join the revolution
    Duffy's dead

    Only on telly I hasten to add

  9. #59

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm not so sure about that, let's see what things look like in two or three weeks.
    There will of course be a full scale public enquiry into this afterwards.

    Though it will.doubtless take years to report

  10. #60

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Duffy's dead

    Only on telly I hasten to add
    Now you tell me How you doing? Hope you don't mind me saying, but isn't your wife in a vulnerable situation as posted by you on here before. If so, can i help you mate? A bit of shopping etc? I think that you've mentioned that you live in North Cardiff (as do i) so it wouldn't be a problem for me-hope you're not offended by the offer.

  11. #61

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Establishment didn't want Ed, establishment didn't get Ed.
    Yeah, that must be it.

    Can't be anything to do with incompetence whatsoever.

    The irony is I've little doubt Labour would have won that election under David. Still, unions eh?

  12. #62

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Years of strangling the NHS of funding ......who of course are now Angels.....years of cuts to social care .....cuts to public services, cuts to social services , the police

    Massive rise in food bank use

    Disgraceful attacks on those reliant on the benefits system

    All under the tories

    Making this country even less well prepared for the hard times

    Well , we are going to face a major recession following this crisis , we are also going to need thousands of immigrants to care for the sick and the old

    Thank god we have a right wing government that is going to rip up its welfare reforms and look after those in need

    Thank god we are in europe to attract migrants to the low paid jobs that need doing like working in care homes , cleaning the hospitals etc

    Oh hold on a minute .......

  13. #63
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Yeah, that must be it.

    Can't be anything to do with incompetence whatsoever.

    The irony is I've little doubt Labour would have won that election under David. Still, unions eh?

    If I remember rightly most (if not all) unions consulted their affiliated members to decide which candidate to back. Maybe a few relied on a delegate conference.

    Trades union members paying a Labour affiliation fee as part of their subs were and are part of the Labour movement and should be entitled to have a say. The electoral college formula has changed - as has the balance between MPs, individual members and affiliated members (and now registered supporters) but the principle is similar and sound.

    The way you describe the process a group of 'union bosses' hid away in a smoke filled room and stitched up the leadership election. That didn't happen - and nothing like that has happened in UK Labour politics for a generation or more.

  14. #64

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Yeah, that must be it.

    Can't be anything to do with incompetence whatsoever.

    The irony is I've little doubt Labour would have won that election under David. Still, unions eh?
    I thought ed was hopeless , david Miliband would have won us the election even if he was tainted by his association with the war monger

  15. #65

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    If I remember rightly most (if not all) unions consulted their affiliated members to decide which candidate to back. Maybe a few relied on a delegate conference.

    Trades union members paying a Labour affiliation fee as part of their subs were and are part of the Labour movement and should be entitled to have a say. The electoral college formula has changed - as has the balance between MPs, individual members and affiliated members (and now registered supporters) but the principle is similar and sound.

    The way you describe the process a group of 'union bosses' hid away in a smoke filled room and stitched up the leadership election. That didn't happen - and nothing like that has happened in UK Labour politics for a generation or more.
    Well, I'm sure Labour would like to portray that but it seems highly interesting that David was well ahead - well ahead in votes from MPs and party members. Union votes however reflected the total opposite.

    Given Red Len won his last election when virtually all union members refused to vote tends to indicate union votes had undue effect.

  16. #66

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I thought ed was hopeless , david Miliband would have won us the election even if he was tainted by his association with the war monger
    David Milliband at least comes across as statemanlike. Ed couldn't even eat a bacon sandwich properly.

  17. #67

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    100%, the government and the voting public will have forgotten all of this in 6 months.
    Either forgotten or remembered very differently.

  18. #68

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    It's up from 43 to 49%. Which is worrying.
    On the handling of the Corona virus he's on 60%, while the fake news media are on 44%

  19. #69

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Would they have put the right shoes on the right feet

    Uncle Jeremy would have insisted on a referendum on self isolation and wiped half the country out

  20. #70

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Powis blue View Post
    Uncle Jeremy would have insisted on a referendum on self isolation and wiped half the country out
    He'd have invited coronavirus to HoC for a tour and a nice cup of tea because after all, everything can be solved via dialogue - though of course, he'd only speak to the virus and not to people fighting the virus.

  21. #71

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    There are countries with left and right wing Governments which are being hit very hard by the virus - it does not recognise different political philosophies. Yes, there are different nuances involved which you would think have an effect on things like healthcare, but, speaking as a Labour voter, how much difference would there really be now if we had that party in power? Spain has a Government, admittedly it only came to power in January, led by a socialist workers party, but if Johnson and co are, rightly in my view, being criticised for wasting a couple of months opportunity to plan better for what was coming, then the same can be applied in Spain - that's just poor decision making, not the wrong political conviction.

  22. #72

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    So Johnson et al are rightly being criticised in your view on what evidence?

    Do you have anything indicating they have gone against the evidence of the CMO, for example?

  23. #73

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    So Johnson et al are rightly being criticised in your view on what evidence?

    Do you have anything indicating they have gone against the evidence of the CMO, for example?
    Well if you're trying to argue that going with the herd mentality approach for a while and then doing a complete about face was all part of some masterplan, then good luck on that. Also, it's clearly counter productive to have people who may already have had and recovered from the virus sat at home because someone where they live may have it. The means to test more people and in greater numbers quicker and more efficiently was paramount surely, but,instead we took the decision only to test those with the worst symptoms - as I say, poor decision making as opposed to flawed political allegiance.

  24. #74

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Funny! A man who wanted to invest heavily in Health (There's an idea) Public Transport, Workers rights, Contracts and pay (Alot of people are very concerned about this at the moment) Would have prefered to have talked rather that attacked and maimed (foreign policy) Cared for the vulnerable and increased services to those who needed it the most. Ring any bells lads and lasses? If that's 'Mad Leftie) then bring it on. The self Employed and those in jobs without contracts working for shithouses who don't care if their workforce ends up in extreme poverty are feeling the brunt of Tory policy that has allowed businesses to use their workforce like pit ponies. It's happening right now, Peoples misery due to this virus is being made worse by historic Tory policy.

    People who voted for a Tory government are going to see in real time what they signed up to, that's the poorest and most vulnerable suffering even more. Well done. It's a bit like asking a stranger to kick you in the bollocks then complaining because it hurts.
    Excellent post.

  25. #75

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Because enough people are easily persuaded to vote against their own interests. There would never be a Tory government otherwise.
    It's like that cartoon that was doing the rounds before the election where there was two foxes reading a newspaper with the headline "Tories to bring back fox hunting" and one fox says to the other. "I'll vote for him because I don't like the other fella" or words to that effect.

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