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Thread: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

  1. #26

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And if you have a welsh number plate they may ignore you anyway. If its not a 'C' they may run an address check as you pass them.
    Learn something new every day..

  2. #27

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    have a read of this whilst tucking into your meat


  3. #28

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    What is the legal definition of "local"? Is "local" defined in any legislation? If, as I suspect not, what right have the Police authorities to stop travellers to anywhere in South/Mid Wales? Having said that I thought people in Wales were required to "Stay Home" as the National Disgrace/Assembly discarded the new English version of "Stay Alert".

  4. #29

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I guess it's a case of 'where do you draw the line'? If you can drive to Brecon to purchase meat, can you drive to Penderyn for some whisky, Aberystwyth for some seafood?
    I'd say no to the OP of they were asking about going for their first time on a recommendation, for example, I mean I wouldn't risk driving up there (and I'm closer) off the back of hearing about good quality meat, but as a one off drive I think they'd get away with it if the order was placed before driving up there etc.

    Agree it's not essential, as they can get meat in their local shops.

    If several people are allowed to drive to London in one van, stay away for a week with work and drive back into Wales I don't see the harm in a single journey to collect food.

  5. #30
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    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Learn something new every day..
    I thought that was pretty basic lol, that's what they are doing in north Wales. They can't stop everyone so they prioritise.

  6. #31

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    a Chinese girl I know went to a big Chinese supermarket in Bristol as there aren't any good ones in Cardiff.
    I think that's reasonable as she can't get it any nearer.

  7. #32
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    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    a Chinese girl I know went to a big Chinese supermarket in Bristol as there aren't any good ones in Cardiff.
    I think that's reasonable as she can't get it any nearer.
    Sludge would probably give it to her if she asked.

  8. #33

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I thought that was pretty basic lol, that's what they are doing in north Wales. They can't stop everyone so they prioritise.
    I was on about the "C" being a car registered in Wales. Unless I've had a mare here

  9. #34

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    a Chinese girl I know went to a big Chinese supermarket in Bristol as there aren't any good ones in Cardiff.
    I think that's reasonable as she can't get it any nearer.
    Now this I would class as taking the piss, in all honesty.

  10. #35

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Based on the fact that "stay local" is something I've heard quite a lot from official Welsh sources, I would have thought that Cardiff to Brecon to buy meat would be frowned on by the Police, but, as others have said, it would probably come down to the mood of the officer involved.

  11. #36
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I was on about the "C" being a car registered in Wales. Unless I've had a mare here
    No you got it right.
    here is the full list of identifiers.

    From it you can see that a police officer sitting on a road from Merseyside to North Wales, in possession of this info can be selective in which vehicles he checks. Obviously car get moved around and sold on but it isn't a bad starting point, and the newer a car is the more likely it is to be accurate.

    Letter Postal area DVLA memory tag identifier
    A Anglia Peterborough Norwich Ipswich AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AR AS AT AU AV AW AX
    B Birmingham Birmingham BA – BY
    C Cymru Cardiff Swansea Bangor CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CJ CK CL CM CN CO CP CR CS CT CU CV CW CX CY
    D Deeside Shrewsbury Chester Shrewsbury DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DJ DK DL DM DN DO DP DR DS DT DU DV
    DW DX DY
    E Essex Chelmsford EA – EY
    Forest & Fens Nottingham Lincoln FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FJ FK FL FM FN FP FR FS FT FV FW FX FY
    G Garden of England Maidstone Brighton GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GJ GK GL GM GN GO GP GR GS GT GU GV GW GX GY
    H Hampshire & Dorset Bournemouth Portsmouth HA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HJ HK HL HM HN HO HP HR HS HT HU HV HW HX
    (HW will be used exclusively for Isle of Wight residents)
    K Borehamwood Northampton KA KB KC KD KE KF KG KH KJ KK KL KM KN KO KP KR KS KT KU KV KW KX KY
    L London Wimbledon Borehamwood Sidcup LA LB LC LD LE LF LG LH LJ LK LL LM LN LO LP LR LS LT LU LV LW LX LY M Manchester/Merseyside Manchester MA – MY (MN + MAN Reserved for the Isle of Man)
    N North Newcastle
    O Oxford OA – OY
    P Preston Preston
    R Reading Reading.
    Theale RA – RY
    S Scotland Glasgow Edinburgh Dundee Aberdeen Inverness SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ SK SL SM SN SO SP SR SS
    V Severn Valley Worcester VA – VY
    W West of England Exeter Truro Bristol WA WB WC WD WE WF WG WH WJ WK WL WM WN WO WP WR WS WT WU WV WW
    WX WY
    Y Yorkshire Leeds Sheffield Beverley YA YB YC YD YE YF YG YH YJ YK YL YM YN YO YP YR YS YT YU YV YW YX YY
    We will not use I, Q or Z in local memory tags identifiers

    The Cities named are the local DVLA offices and which plates they issue.

    hope this helps

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Based on the fact that "stay local" is something I've heard quite a lot from official Welsh sources, I would have thought that Cardiff to Brecon to buy meat would be frowned on by the Police, but, as others have said, it would probably come down to the mood of the officer involved.
    But if you went to court how would the judiciary interpret local??
    I recall many years ago when a driver appealed his conviction for hitting a cyclist who he said had changed direction. The cyclist said he had wobbled even though he was several feet from the car before he changed course. Sitting in the high court of appeal Lord Chief justice Parker ruled that "The cyclist is entitled to his wobble" When asked what constituted the difference between a wobble and a change of direction he declined to answer. The entitlement to a wobble was then enshrined in case law.
    I think 'local' may suffer the same fate. I also believe it is vague deliberately.

  13. #38

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But if you went to court how would the judiciary interpret local??
    I recall many years ago when a driver appealed his conviction for hitting a cyclist who he said had changed direction. The cyclist said he had wobbled even though he was several feet from the car before he changed course. Sitting in the high court of appeal Lord Chief justice Parker ruled that "The cyclist is entitled to his wobble" When asked what constituted the difference between a wobble and a change of direction he declined to answer. The entitlement to a wobble was then enshrined in case law.
    I think 'local' may suffer the same fate. I also believe it is vague deliberately.
    How can somewhere about forty miles away be interpreted as local?

  14. #39

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    You could seem it essential that you need to buy meat, but is it essential that you travel to Brecon get it when there are plenty suppliers closer to home?
    In the present climate I'd say not.

  15. #40
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    How can somewhere about forty miles away be interpreted as local?
    Maybe if two teams 40 miles apart can play a derby, then a 40 mile meat run can be defined as local?

    When so much of the rules and regulations rely on interpretation, discretion and judgement, there is bound to be a problem. I imagine most people will treat 'local' as the nearest place to get what they need. Then you get into 'need' and 'want' and more trouble with definitions! The biggest definitional nightmare of all is the Johnson appeal to 'great British common sense'!

  16. #41
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Maybe if two teams 40 miles apart can play a derby, then a 40 mile meat run can be defined as local?

    When so much of the rules and regulations rely on interpretation, discretion and judgement, there is bound to be a problem. I imagine most people will treat 'local' as the nearest place to get what they need. Then you get into 'need' and 'want' and more trouble with definitions! The biggest definitional nightmare of all is the Johnson appeal to 'great British common sense'!
    The interpretation was what I was getting at with the story of the cyclist's 'wobble'.

  17. #42

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    My wife likes to support Welsh food producers, so for some years we travel to Brecon from our home in Cardiff about 4 times a year to purchase meat. WE buy enough to last three months, pack it, freeze it, and use as needed.

    There are some really good butchers in Brecon supplying prime Welsh meat. So we buy all the usual fresh meat, some chickens, cooked meats, Welsh butter etc each visit.

    Its time to stock up the freezer again, so are we permitted to travel to Brecon for such essential shopping? Ive read the Wales Government guidance and there does not seem to be any restrictions on distance we can travel.

    Can anyone confirm that it would be OK to make the trip without getting pulled over on the A470?
    It certainly isn't essential in my opinion, you can buy meat in Cardiff, seem indulgent to me, although do what you're comfortable with, I'm not going to judge anyone.

  18. #43

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Depends if you're buying 3 months worth of whisky and using it to feed yourself and your family (not recommended)

    One monster stocking up trip to a butchers that's slightly further away is better than going 12 times over 3 months (assuming they'd go to a more local one once a week)
    Can you get the same service in Cardiff (I assume lisvaneblue lives in Lisvane)?

    I don't have have an issue with it and don't think there's any harm in it (not saying I'm right either) but as the OP has raised it, it's worth a discussion on what we interpret as being fine, essential, complicated or wrong when it comes to the subject.

  19. #44

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Can you get the same service in Cardiff (I assume lisvaneblue lives in Lisvane)?

    I don't have have an issue with it and don't think there's any harm in it (not saying I'm right either) but as the OP has raised it, it's worth a discussion on what we interpret as being fine, essential, complicated or wrong when it comes to the subject.
    I don't have any issue with it, if LB decides to do it then i hope he has a pleasant day with his Missus. I wouldn't do it, a bit OTT in my opinion, although going to the shop for anything is an absolute disaster in my opinion. Awful places.

  20. #45

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I don't have any issue with it, if LB decides to do it then i hope he has a pleasant day with his Missus. I wouldn't do it, a bit OTT in my opinion, although going to the shop for anything is an absolute disaster in my opinion. Awful places.
    I'm avoiding them as much as possible. Managed to get an Ocado slot every time I've needed one, thankfully.

    I hate shopping at the best of times though, Coronavirus or not.

  21. #46

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    No you got it right.
    here is the full list of identifiers.

    From it you can see that a police officer sitting on a road from Merseyside to North Wales, in possession of this info can be selective in which vehicles he checks. Obviously car get moved around and sold on but it isn't a bad starting point, and the newer a car is the more likely it is to be accurate.

    Letter Postal area DVLA memory tag identifier
    A Anglia Peterborough Norwich Ipswich AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AR AS AT AU AV AW AX
    B Birmingham Birmingham BA – BY
    C Cymru Cardiff Swansea Bangor CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CJ CK CL CM CN CO CP CR CS CT CU CV CW CX CY
    D Deeside Shrewsbury Chester Shrewsbury DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DJ DK DL DM DN DO DP DR DS DT DU DV
    DW DX DY
    E Essex Chelmsford EA – EY
    Forest & Fens Nottingham Lincoln FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FJ FK FL FM FN FP FR FS FT FV FW FX FY
    G Garden of England Maidstone Brighton GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GJ GK GL GM GN GO GP GR GS GT GU GV GW GX GY
    H Hampshire & Dorset Bournemouth Portsmouth HA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HJ HK HL HM HN HO HP HR HS HT HU HV HW HX
    (HW will be used exclusively for Isle of Wight residents)
    K Borehamwood Northampton KA KB KC KD KE KF KG KH KJ KK KL KM KN KO KP KR KS KT KU KV KW KX KY
    L London Wimbledon Borehamwood Sidcup LA LB LC LD LE LF LG LH LJ LK LL LM LN LO LP LR LS LT LU LV LW LX LY M Manchester/Merseyside Manchester MA – MY (MN + MAN Reserved for the Isle of Man)
    N North Newcastle
    O Oxford OA – OY
    P Preston Preston
    R Reading Reading.
    Theale RA – RY
    S Scotland Glasgow Edinburgh Dundee Aberdeen Inverness SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ SK SL SM SN SO SP SR SS
    V Severn Valley Worcester VA – VY
    W West of England Exeter Truro Bristol WA WB WC WD WE WF WG WH WJ WK WL WM WN WO WP WR WS WT WU WV WW
    WX WY
    Y Yorkshire Leeds Sheffield Beverley YA YB YC YD YE YF YG YH YJ YK YL YM YN YO YP YR YS YT YU YV YW YX YY
    We will not use I, Q or Z in local memory tags identifiers

    The Cities named are the local DVLA offices and which plates they issue.

    hope this helps
    Only passed a few years ago and I've never taken any notice of car regs previously, had to Google it a minute ago was hoping it was a new thing.. C for cymru S for Scotland L for London etc "September 2001" read the article. So much for new to lessen the embarrassment

  22. #47

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    How can somewhere about forty miles away be interpreted as local?
    I've decided that local for me is anywhere in RCT, and I've added in North Cardiff too.

  23. #48
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Only passed a few years ago and I've never taken any notice of car regs previously, had to Google it a minute ago was hoping it was a new thing.. C for cymru S for Scotland L for London etc "September 2001" read the article. So much for new to lessen the embarrassment
    well you know now. we all have to learn a particular thing at a particular time. we can't all have known everything 'before' lol

  24. #49

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    I'm still trying to work out if this thread is a piss-take or not......

    "I live in Lisvane, but my wife likes to buy our meat in Brecon, so travelling such a long distance for a bit of shopping is absolutely essential for us. Also, we like to buy our meat in batches which last three months, so going around the corner to the supermarket for a couple of weeks' worth is simply out of the question, virus or no virus. Besides which, it's a lovely day out, especially in the summer. Will this be OK?"

    The truth is I don't think anybody's particularly bothered now. Put some golf clubs in the boot and you'll probably be fine. Better still, strap a cycle to the roof rack. If you get stopped, tell the plod you'll be getting some essential exercise while you do your essential meat shopping. In Brecon.

  25. #50

    Re: Essential shopping in Wales- advice

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    well you know now. we all have to learn a particular thing at a particular time. we can't all have known everything 'before' lol
    Yeah I've got loads of these "learning days" ahead of me don't worry

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