Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I guess you'd have to ask them, but I suspect none are members of CCMB, so you're unlikely to get an answer here.

Here's a good article for you to ponder:


I found these facts interesting:

"This year, almost 4,000 people have crossed the English Channel, in more than 300 small boats.

"In 2019, some 677,000 people moved to the UK as long-term immigrants, for reasons such as work or study. There were also 49,000 asylum applications.

"As such, the 4,000 unauthorised Channel arrivals are equal to less than 1% of all immigrants last year.

"The number of asylum seekers arriving and applying to stay in other European nations is far, far higher than in the UK. Last year, some 165,600 sought asylum in Germany, 129,000 in France and 118,000 in Spain."

4,000 people. Think about that. To put that figure into a perspective we can all understand, Newport County had a crowd of 4,481 for their opening game of last season against Mansfield.
FFS. Who’d have thought that 4,000 unauthorised immigrants would all be Newport County fans!!!
That’s unreal 😁