Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
The govt. panicked, along with the rest. Don't go to work - we'll pay you instead, I mean , when you think of that it's totally and utterly crazy, the sort of thing a tinpot Central American state would do, not the 6th largest economy in the world.
We all remember seeing little Spanish children going into their local park to play after leaving their houses/flats for the 1st time in 4 months - think late July/early August. Spain enforced a prison-like lockdown, yet it didn't do much good - look at them now.
I'm approaching my 68th yr. I don't confess to any serious medical qualifications, but I've done business with - and met - hundreds and hundreds of people from all walks of life, and I can tell when people are 'winging it'. And believe me, these scientist are definitely winging it - they haven't go a clue..

Italy had a more severe lockdown, anyone know what’s going on there? Lots of co living between families too