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Thread: COVID - Something has to change

  1. #126
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Paget Flashman View Post
    Note to self:
    This is the point when you decided that's enough internet for one day.
    well you're so clever, tell us what they should be doing

  2. #127
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    I read that I have no idea where they get that figure from and find it difficult to believe.

    If it is true then again it shows the bufoons trust in the British people is again a disaster.

    Probably what needs to happen is a change of PM and a hopeless bunch of his government and a coalition of the best politicians to get us through this total disaster.
    And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
    I'd love to see your answer to that question.

    And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
    Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
    And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
    If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
    No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
    Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.

  3. #128

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
    I'd love to see your answer to that question.

    And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
    Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
    And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
    If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
    No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
    Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.
    I agree with all of that. Imagine a coalition of politicians doing any better and the public having an instant mind change just because there are a few politicians from a different persuasion or mind set onboard. The mind boggles.

  4. #129

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    well you're so clever, tell us what they should be doing
    I'm not sure where you have the notion that I'm clever from.

    I'm simply aware that the Westminster response to the pandemic was too little, too late. It has seen numerous lies; blame shifting; lack of principles; the wasting of money; unnecessary deaths and we are seemingly back at stage one seven months down the line with a half baked system that isn't working.

  5. #130

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Why is a negative result a waste of a test?
    Because they are are hard to come by aren’t they? Kids get colds shocker. The fact that only 1% came back positive says it all. More weight to the argument that the youngest don’t really get it. You get back on the whisky lard

  6. #131

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Paget Flashman View Post
    I'm not sure where you have the notion that I'm clever from.

    I'm simply aware that the Westminster response to the pandemic was too little, too late. It has seen numerous lies; blame shifting; lack of principles; the wasting of money; unnecessary deaths and we are seemingly back at stage one seven months down the line with a half baked system that isn't working.
    Seven months is not correct more like 10 months.

  7. #132

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Paget Flashman View Post
    I'm not sure where you have the notion that I'm clever from.

    I'm simply aware that the Westminster response to the pandemic was too little, too late. It has seen numerous lies; blame shifting; lack of principles; the wasting of money; unnecessary deaths and we are seemingly back at stage one seven months down the line with a half baked system that isn't working.
    It wasn't just the Westminster response that was insufficient. The public health authorities and the NHS were found wanting as well. The entire system failed.

  8. #133

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Because they are are hard to come by aren’t they? Kids get colds shocker. The fact that only 1% came back positive says it all. More weight to the argument that the youngest don’t really get it. You get back on the whisky lard
    Or maybe they had covid symptoms like fever, cough, etc.

    Finding out who does and doesn't have covid is important.

    Glad you came back and edited the post to get the insult in. Really hammers the point home, doesn't it? Can't believe you forgot the first time!

  9. #134

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Naturally people will carp from the sidelines. When things are seen not to work people look for blame.

    However, the government is damned if they do and damned if they don't. People say we went into lockdown too late but now are saying the new restrictions are too tight suggesting we should let things get worse before taking precautionary action. People say the government's rules are too complicated but others say they are not clear enough by addressing every situation which would arguably add to the confusion. The government was criticised for allowing passengers from abroad to enter the country but when the quarantine arrangements were introduced that was wrong adding to the destruction of the tourist and hospitality industries. Some are saying the government is ruining the economy which has come about significantly through the cost of the furlough arrangements but others are saying the arrangements should be extended beyond the end of October. Now commentators are saying the new furlough arrangements are not generous enough and that even businesses and workers with no future should be given more money while others believe the government is throwing money away as we will all be taxed to high heavens in order to pay for the response.

    It would be impossible for any government to please everybody but there is no doubt this government will be damaged by their response to the pandemic just as Labour was for the financial crisis in 2008 and it seems to me that people would complain whoever was in charge. My own view is that we should all just get on with it and comply with the restrictions government has put in place which up to now isn't happening.

  10. #135

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
    I'd love to see your answer to that question.

    And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
    Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
    And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
    If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
    No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
    Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.
    Again your support for your party is admirable.

  11. #136

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
    I'd love to see your answer to that question.

    And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
    Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
    And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
    If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
    No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
    Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.
    "No government could have done much better..."

    I think there may be one or two around the world who have.

  12. #137

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post

    It would be impossible for any government to please everybody but there is no doubt this government will be damaged by their response to the pandemic just as Labour was for the financial crisis in 2008 and it seems to me that people would complain whoever was in charge. My own view is that we should all just get on with it and comply with the restrictions government has put in place which up to now isn't happening.
    I agree. But we have a government where the man pulling the strings didnt comply.

  13. #138

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    "No government could have done much better..."

    I think there may be one or two around the world who have.
    Agree a completely ridiculous statement.

  14. #139

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
    I'd love to see your answer to that question.

    And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
    Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
    And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
    If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
    No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
    Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.
    Changing the Government now won't make much difference, because the damage has been done in many respects. Maybe a different Government would have made a difference beforehand though. The Conservatives, under Theresa May, mainly ignored the Cygnus Exercise carried out in 2016 and so we faced up to Covid with inadequate facilities and a lack of the required PPE, but I'm certain she would not have gone off on holiday during the month before we went into a national lockdown due to a Pandemic and that she would have attended at least some of the five Cobra meetings Johnson didn't turn up for.

    Any Government besides this one would not have got themselves into a position where they ended up falling in behind a special advisor whose excuse for breaking lockdown rules was absurd - the attitude of the public changed after Dominic Cummings' drove almost the length of England to "isolate" and his eye testing fifty mile drive through the Durham countryside, Cummings wouldn't have got anywhere near the sort of position he now occupies under any of the other Prime Ministers of the recent past.

    It was this Government that took the decision to move elderly people from hospitals into care homes back in March, this Government that hesitated in bringing in the March lockdown, this Government which has failed to back up grandiose schemes and claims with actual achievement (e.g. the App and track and trace).

    I don't blame those who voted for this Government for what has happened this year in terms of Covid, nobody could have seen what was coming in December when we voted, but there were plenty who did as January went into February and February into March, sadly the UK Government conjured up images of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. We've just been unlucky that at the time the worst pandemic in a century hit, we happened to have a Cabinet full of nobodies who were being rewarded for their loyalty over Brexit and, in particular, a Prime Minister wholly unsuited for this sort of crisis.

  15. #140

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    I don't blame those who voted for this Government for what has happened this year in terms of Covid, nobody could have seen what was coming in December when we voted, but there were plenty who did as January went into February and February into March, sadly the UK Government conjured up images of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. We've just been unlucky that at the time the worst pandemic in a century hit, we happened to have a Cabinet full of nobodies who were being rewarded for their loyalty over Brexit and, in particular, a Prime Minister wholly unsuited for this sort of crisis.
    You think Jeremy Corbyn would have done so much better? Could he have done worse. In my opinion Yes.

  16. #141

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Christ lardy you are the merchant of doom. We have a tracing system, we have been mass testing and everyone is far far more aware than there were in March, you couldn’t even buy a mask or hand gel back then and social distancing didn’t exist. I haven’t been in anyone’s house since March, that’s not normal.
    Merchant of doom, back again. Apparently the app doesn't recognise NHS tests, but I'm sure hardly anyone goes to NHS places.

    Ignore me and keep happy clapping!

  17. #142

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Garth Blue View Post
    But it didn't work last time. That's why we are where we are. You cannot eliminate the virus and have any sort of normality. We have to learn to live with it and living with will be easier when we have a vaccine. But we'll still have to live with it. Another full lock down would be disastrous in so many ways.
    It definitely worked last time, we reduced the number of deaths from over 1000 a day to zero and prevented the NHS from collapse!

  18. #143

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    You think Jeremy Corbyn would have done so much better? Could he have done worse. In my opinion Yes.
    I think that statement just confirms your personal bias. It would be stretching the imagination to think of anyone who could have done worse.

  19. #144

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I think that statement just confirms your personal bias. It would be stretching the imagination to think of anyone who could have done worse.
    Possibly because the post I was replying to was personally biased; his post are very one way showing zero balance. You only have to read some of my earlier posts indicating my criticisms of this government in particular for the way they handled the Cummings debacle. Having said that Labour lost the election because the population at large could not see Corbyn as leader and voted Tory because Johnson was the least worst option. Needless to say I am not a fan of our PM either.

  20. #145

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Or maybe they had covid symptoms like fever, cough, etc.

    Finding out who does and doesn't have covid is important.

    Glad you came back and edited the post to get the insult in. Really hammers the point home, doesn't it? Can't believe you forgot the first time!
    Both mine had a temperature and one had a cough, they both had runny stuffy noses also. It’s generally known as the common cold, I think it’s been around for a while. Some parents are able to realise this

  21. #146

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    It definitely worked last time, we reduced the number of deaths from over 1000 a day to zero and prevented the NHS from collapse!
    You mean they delayed the inevitable from summer months to the far worse, start of 6 months of winter.....

  22. #147

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Both mine had a temperature and one had a cough, they both had runny stuffy noses also. It’s generally known as the common cold, I think it’s been around for a while. Some parents are able to realise this
    Not all parents are as fantastic as you. I remember when your home schooled yours for a couple of weeks and you were telling everyone here how you were doing a better job than the teachers!

  23. #148

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    You mean they delayed the inevitable from summer months to the far worse, start of 6 months of winter.....
    No, just like what's happened in New Zealand it allowed the Government time to set up an effective track and trace strategy and also gave the NHS time to recover. New Zealand had a strategy of elimination and that's what we should have aimed for.

  24. #149

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    No, just like what's happened in New Zealand it allowed the Government time to set up an effective track and trace strategy and also gave the NHS time to recover. New Zealand had a strategy of elimination and that's what we should have aimed for.
    It would be very difficult to eliminate, but the UK is an island and that gives an advantage over most other countries.

  25. #150

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It would be very difficult to eliminate, but the UK is an island and that gives an advantage over most other countries.
    Yes it would be very difficult to eliminate and of course we have about 15 times bigger population than NZ in roughly the same size area so we are far more congested here. However the strategy itself would enable us to minimise the spread of the virus until such time as the necessary tools were available to live with the virus; the vaccine being the Holy Grail.

    If we continue to pursue the idea of "living with the virus" when we don't have the necessary tools to contain it then we're setting ourselves up as lambs to the slaughter.

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