Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
And if you don't trust the people, how do you make anything work?
I'd love to see your answer to that question.

And how would changing the government suddenly change the number of test or the number of labs or the number of people complying with the instructions?
Or make the IT specialist suddenly come up with a brilliant app they couldn't make the day before?
And if you shut down the economy again completely who is going to pay for it all?
If you think that all that will happen then you live in a dream world.
No government could have done much better in an unknown environment, but it is easy to stand on the sidelines and carp.
Mind as this board is for football supporters we should expect that to be second nature to them.
I agree with all of that. Imagine a coalition of politicians doing any better and the public having an instant mind change just because there are a few politicians from a different persuasion or mind set onboard. The mind boggles.