Naturally people will carp from the sidelines. When things are seen not to work people look for blame.

However, the government is damned if they do and damned if they don't. People say we went into lockdown too late but now are saying the new restrictions are too tight suggesting we should let things get worse before taking precautionary action. People say the government's rules are too complicated but others say they are not clear enough by addressing every situation which would arguably add to the confusion. The government was criticised for allowing passengers from abroad to enter the country but when the quarantine arrangements were introduced that was wrong adding to the destruction of the tourist and hospitality industries. Some are saying the government is ruining the economy which has come about significantly through the cost of the furlough arrangements but others are saying the arrangements should be extended beyond the end of October. Now commentators are saying the new furlough arrangements are not generous enough and that even businesses and workers with no future should be given more money while others believe the government is throwing money away as we will all be taxed to high heavens in order to pay for the response.

It would be impossible for any government to please everybody but there is no doubt this government will be damaged by their response to the pandemic just as Labour was for the financial crisis in 2008 and it seems to me that people would complain whoever was in charge. My own view is that we should all just get on with it and comply with the restrictions government has put in place which up to now isn't happening.