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Thread: COVID - Something has to change

  1. #176

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Everybody has opinions, that’s what makes us different isn’t it? Whether they are correct or if anyone agrees with them is another matter entirely. You only have to comment on ccfc matches to see how people’s opinions can differ on the same game, let alone a pandemic. As long as a person can admit when they got it wrong, they are ok with me.

  2. #177
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I don't see many people disagreeing with the scientists and doctors to be fair. Also it's adorable how you can talk about "the opinionated people who populate this board" as if you're not one of them
    I have opinions as we all do but I'm not opinionated. there is a difference.

  3. #178

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I have opinions as we all do but I'm not opinionated. there is a difference.

  4. #179
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    well deflected Darling.

  5. #180

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    well deflected Darling.
    Sorry I was just stunned and delighted at your lack of self awareness

  6. #181

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Boris and his government can't win whatever they do. It's been a mess-up from the start, but that's exactly because they have tried to keep everyone happy. Sadly, that doesn't work, but if they had instead go one way or the other (total and complete lockdown OR just ride it out) they would have been hammered.

    The thing is, not making that definite decision, and instead, bumbling along jumping from one tack to another, has made things worse. If we'd had total lockdown, we might have been out of it by now, but we'd have no business, no food, and no jobs. Riding it out would have meant normal life, but a lot more deaths. The government chose to carry out a mixture of the two, but that doesn't really work either. But, in reality, EVERYONE, of ANY PARTY, would have done exactly the same thing. They would have opted for the path that causes the least damage to both health and economy.

    So what to do? Who knows? The damage is done now, so it looks like a case of occasional lockdowns, while science searches for a vaccine.

  7. #182
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Sorry I was just stunned and delighted at your lack of self awareness
    As you do not know me or anything about me you can not have any notion of the level of my self awareness.

    But like some others on here you do like to slip in these comments to make yourself look clever. But always remember, I don't give a toss about you or what you think,

  8. #183

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    As you do not know me or anything about me you can not have any notion of the level of my self awareness.

    But like some others on here you do like to slip in these comments to make yourself look clever. But always remember, I don't give a toss about you or what you think,

    So delmbox can't suggest that you lack self awareness because he doesn't know you, but you can call other people on here, that you also don't know, opinionated.

  9. #184
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So delmbox can't suggest that you lack self awareness because he doesn't know you, but you can call other people on here, that you also don't know, opinionated.
    I can call them anything, its just a message board, and I think some are opinionated to the degree that it blinds them to everything else, but then, it's just my opinion. you may disgree.
    But actually he didn't suggest anything, he stated it as a fact, which you may think shows a level of opinionation (Is that a word? lol) which refuses to accept that he could possibly be wrong. But then again, you may not think that. It depends on your opinion.

  10. #185

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    It'll be the beginning because it'll take months if not years for everybody to get vaccinated
    "everybody" ? I'm not taking any vaccine with barely a 3 month pathology

  11. #186

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think the whole country would benefit greatly if all the opinionated people who populate this board were running things because they collectively clearly know better than all the politicians and scientists and doctors who are running it.
    The thoughts of a Havard professor of the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease. There's no way I would consider myself as knowing more about the virus than him;-


  12. #187

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by tforturton View Post
    Boris and his government can't win whatever they do. It's been a mess-up from the start, but that's exactly because they have tried to keep everyone happy. Sadly, that doesn't work, but if they had instead go one way or the other (total and complete lockdown OR just ride it out) they would have been hammered.

    The thing is, not making that definite decision, and instead, bumbling along jumping from one tack to another, has made things worse. If we'd had total lockdown, we might have been out of it by now, but we'd have no business, no food, and no jobs. Riding it out would have meant normal life, but a lot more deaths. The government chose to carry out a mixture of the two, but that doesn't really work either. But, in reality, EVERYONE, of ANY PARTY, would have done exactly the same thing. They would have opted for the path that causes the least damage to both health and economy.

    So what to do? Who knows? The damage is done now, so it looks like a case of occasional lockdowns, while science searches for a vaccine.
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    First we thought the virus was more deadly it probably is so lockdown was right, then we thought that opening up the country in segments would keep the virus in circulation, with a vaccine on it's way.

    Now it looks like there's no vaccine and no prospect of herd immunity soon due to reinfections within 3 months.

    The Government has a choice with no right answer. Lives now or lives in the future.

  13. #188

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    "everybody" ? I'm not taking any vaccine with barely a 3 month pathology
    I wouldn't and I assume most under 55 would be the same

  14. #189

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Also if you think anyone would have stayed in lockdown over summer you overestimate the general public.

    There would have been garden parties galore anyway.

  15. #190
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The thoughts of a Havard professor of the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease. There's no way I would consider myself as knowing more about the virus than him;-

    Does your reply mean that you included yourself in my comment about some on here who know better?
    But I'm sure whatever he says we could search and find someone who says different.

    And another thought of course, if he was saying everything the British Government has done is correct then he wouldn't be being quoted in the Guardian would he? :hehe.

    PS I didn't bother to read it, the fact that you felt the need to post it and respond to me comment was enough for me.

  16. #191

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    It's a good article but putting so much faith in test and trace doesn't seem to be working. Yes the UK is a shambles in that regard but when only 11% of those contacted by test and trace workers comply with the isolation requirements you have to wonder whether reliance on the arrangements is over played.

  17. #192

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by tforturton View Post
    Boris and his government can't win whatever they do. It's been a mess-up from the start, but that's exactly because they have tried to keep everyone happy. Sadly, that doesn't work, but if they had instead go one way or the other (total and complete lockdown OR just ride it out) they would have been hammered.
    But it was always going to be a mess, the world was / still is learning about this virus, different countries are going about it different ways so as you said, who do we follow

  18. #193

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    It's a good article but putting so much faith in test and trace doesn't seem to be working. Yes the UK is a shambles in that regard but when only 11% of those contacted by test and trace workers comply with the isolation requirements you have to wonder whether reliance on the arrangements is over played.
    This link was omitted from my previous post:


    Briefly the article said this:


    Only 11 per cent of people in the UK in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 are quarantining, and just 18 per cent of those who develop symptoms are self-isolating, according to new research from King’s College London.

    The study, which paints the first clear picture of how many people are following the government’s virus guidelines, was published as daily infection cases in the UK reached a record 6,634.

  19. #194

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    But it was always going to be a mess, the world was / still is learning about this virus, different countries are going about it different ways so as you said, who do we follow
    Spot on. Countries are experiencing different rates of infection and everyone is struggling to identify a way forward. Some are saying we are doing worse than others but I'm unsure whether that is totally relevant. Even in the UK rates of infection differ. Indeed 50% of Wales is in lockdown which is the equivalent of 28000 in England. Wales seem to have it worse but I wouldn't necessarily say this is the fault of anyone and you can't blame test and trace because only 11% of those asked to isolate comply. No country has the solution other than complete lockdown and that has an adverse affect on the economy. We have no option other than to let matters run their course, lockdowning when asked to do so and simply comply with actions we are required to take.

  20. #195
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    I think it is die-hard labour supporters, momentum probably, who are going out intent on catching the disease and then deliberately not self isolating and deliberately not self quarantining just to make the Government's strategy seem wrong.

    You have to admire their loyalty, so selflessly risking themselves for the cause!

  21. #196

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    The failure to sack Cummings was such a key moment. Johnson should have condemned what he had done and hammered home the importance of sticking by the rules.

    What we had was a bunch of incompetents squirming and sticking up for him.

    History wont be kind to this lot and that will be a key moment in this crisis.

  22. #197

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think it is die-hard labour supporters, momentum probably, who are going out intent on catching the disease and then deliberately not self isolating and deliberately not self quarantining just to make the Government's strategy seem wrong.

    You have to admire their loyalty, so selflessly risking themselves for the cause!
    What strategy?

  23. #198
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by tforturton View Post
    Boris and his government can't win whatever they do. It's been a mess-up from the start, but that's exactly because they have tried to keep everyone happy. Sadly, that doesn't work, but if they had instead go one way or the other (total and complete lockdown OR just ride it out) they would have been hammered.

    The thing is, not making that definite decision, and instead, bumbling along jumping from one tack to another, has made things worse. If we'd had total lockdown, we might have been out of it by now, but we'd have no business, no food, and no jobs. Riding it out would have meant normal life, but a lot more deaths. The government chose to carry out a mixture of the two, but that doesn't really work either. But, in reality, EVERYONE, of ANY PARTY, would have done exactly the same thing. They would have opted for the path that causes the least damage to both health and economy.

    So what to do? Who knows? The damage is done now, so it looks like a case of occasional lockdowns, while science searches for a vaccine.
    No government could find a course through Covid that kept everyone happy if that's what you mean by 'can't win', but this government and Prime Minister has been an international outlier in its' ineptitude and incoherence.

    The 'jumping from one tack to another' was not part of a calculated balancing act between health and economic concerns - but the result of confusion, lack of leadership and strategy, and making up policy off the cuff on a daily basis. The contradictory and confusing messages to the public - on some days we had three or more Cabinet ministers saying totally different things - together with symbolic disasters like the Cummings road trip - were totally avoidable.

    Any conceivable alternative government (Labour or even one led by Theresa May) would have had a very hard job on their hands, but they would be unlikely to cock it up as badly at this lot!

  24. #199

    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Does your reply mean that you included yourself in my comment about some on here who know better?
    But I'm sure whatever he says we could search and find someone who says different.

    And another thought of course, if he was saying everything the British Government has done is correct then he wouldn't be being quoted in the Guardian would he? :hehe.

    PS I didn't bother to read it, the fact that you felt the need to post it and respond to me comment was enough for me.
    Your pathetic wind up attempt PS says it all really doesn't it and I see the Havard professor's piece doesn't count for anything because it's in the Guardian.

    Here's what I actually think about the current situation.

    Remember when we were pitying Spain and Italy back in February and early March and explaining their problems away by saying they were more tactile than us - Spain and Italy had it really bad in early spring, but we ended up having it worse. Spain's Government is left leaning, while Italy's is the sort of right wing, nationalist, libertarian administration that I'm instinctively against.

    I should be all in favour of Spain and completely against Italy using the guidelines that have taken over on here, but a look at the figures for both countries in recent weeks show that Italy have handled the "second wave" better than the Spaniards have.

    Italy appear to have learned lessons from earlier in the year and acted upon that, whereas it seems debatable as to whether Spain have. It's not just a question of left and right, general competence appears to be more important than politics when it comes to tackling Covid.

    Mind you, I would say that in the U.K. political dogma seems to be overriding factor in outsourcing much of the test and trace programme to private companies when there were specialist local units already in place in the public sector. However, generally speaking, it is competence that seems to be more important and it's hard to find many now who would argue that the Uk Government are dealing and have dealt with Covid competently - would people be more prepared to stick to the self isolating rules if there was a Government in power that they had more trust in and respect for as far as the virus is concerned?

  25. #200
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: COVID - Something has to change

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    Your pathetic wind up attempt PS says it all really doesn't it and I see the Havard professor's piece doesn't count for anything because it's in the Guardian.

    Here's what I actually think about the current situation.

    Remember when we were pitying Spain and Italy back in February and early March and explaining their problems away by saying they were more tactile than us - Spain and Italy had it really bad in early spring, but we ended up having it worse. Spain's Government is left leaning, while Italy's is the sort of right wing, nationalist, libertarian administration that I'm instinctively against.

    I should be all in favour of Spain and completely against Italy using the guidelines that have taken over on here, but a look at the figures for both countries in recent weeks show that Italy have handled the "second wave" better than the Spaniards have.

    Italy appear to have learned lessons from earlier in the year and acted upon that, whereas it seems debatable as to whether Spain have. It's not just a question of left and right, general competence appears to be more important than politics when it comes to tackling Covid.

    Mind you, I would say that political dogma seems to be overriding factor in outsourcing much of the test and trace programme out to private companies when there were specialist local units already in place in the public sector. However, generally speaking, it is competence that seems to be more important and it's hard to find many now who would argue that the Uk Government are dealing and have dealt with Covid competently - would people be more prepared to stick to the self isolating rules if there was a Government in power that they had more trust in and respect for as far as the virus is concerned?
    I got back from Italy yesterday after 11 days away.

    National, regional and local government (of most political types - although not some right wing populist groupings) have consistently pushed a public health message after the disaster of March/April in the north of the country. That is without the level of wage support that was in place in the UK for the last 6 months. People generally wear masks and socially distance. There are temperature checks at most restaurants and some shops. They have had a hard lock-down and do not want to throw away that sacrifice through stupidity or selfishness. They have not had the flip-flops of UK policy, and the governments (national, regional and local) have not mangled or undermined their own messages.

    It feels much safer (risk of catching Covid or transmitting it) than the UK and more serious about the risks.

    There was some understandable anger that Johnson claimed the Italian and German rates of infection - and compliance with anti-Covid rules - was because they had fascist governments almost a century ago and so are more likely to behave than 'freedom loving Brits'. They just have consistent, clear leadership and simple rules. Italians are not culturally rule lovers - just watch them drive with one hand on their phone and the other holding a drink or a cig, and steering with their knees - but at least they do that in a mask!

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