Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Does your reply mean that you included yourself in my comment about some on here who know better?
But I'm sure whatever he says we could search and find someone who says different.

And another thought of course, if he was saying everything the British Government has done is correct then he wouldn't be being quoted in the Guardian would he? :hehe.

PS I didn't bother to read it, the fact that you felt the need to post it and respond to me comment was enough for me.
Your pathetic wind up attempt PS says it all really doesn't it and I see the Havard professor's piece doesn't count for anything because it's in the Guardian.

Here's what I actually think about the current situation.

Remember when we were pitying Spain and Italy back in February and early March and explaining their problems away by saying they were more tactile than us - Spain and Italy had it really bad in early spring, but we ended up having it worse. Spain's Government is left leaning, while Italy's is the sort of right wing, nationalist, libertarian administration that I'm instinctively against.

I should be all in favour of Spain and completely against Italy using the guidelines that have taken over on here, but a look at the figures for both countries in recent weeks show that Italy have handled the "second wave" better than the Spaniards have.

Italy appear to have learned lessons from earlier in the year and acted upon that, whereas it seems debatable as to whether Spain have. It's not just a question of left and right, general competence appears to be more important than politics when it comes to tackling Covid.

Mind you, I would say that in the U.K. political dogma seems to be overriding factor in outsourcing much of the test and trace programme to private companies when there were specialist local units already in place in the public sector. However, generally speaking, it is competence that seems to be more important and it's hard to find many now who would argue that the Uk Government are dealing and have dealt with Covid competently - would people be more prepared to stick to the self isolating rules if there was a Government in power that they had more trust in and respect for as far as the virus is concerned?