Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully this period will be over soon so try and focus on that. Watching the endless news scaremongering isn’t good, lots of oldies I know my mums age (70’s or 80’s) have stopped watching it. It’s just too much for them. I gave it a miss back in April and found life much easier. I dont think We have ever lived in a period of such mis information, it’s almost as if you can’t believe anything anyone says anymore. It’s not good for society as a whole, like Trump and his fake news philosophy.
Working from home and missing that social interaction is an absolute killer for some, whereas others I know seem to love it.
Keep your chin up.....
Spot on about news scaremongering, Failsonline headline today telling us there's been 400plus new infections, but if you read a lot further down over a hundred don't even reside in Wales. Then you have Dripford and his daft sidekick talking about banning students going home for xmas and quarantining people entering Wales from England. What next Checkpoint Charlie on the M4 and Stasi patrolling Severn tunnel junction East Berlin cold war style? No wonder people are so depressed about the future.