Just a quick update from me. First symptoms on Sept 16th, minor sore throat. 9 people caught Covid in the same meeting despite us using all of the benchmark measures. At no point have I had an elevated temperature, cough or loss of taste. For a week of so I had muscle fatigue, chronic gastric issues, diarrhea, ate nothing and drank gallons of water. That was followed by a week or so struggling to breath, dizziness & loss of co-ordination. Slowly over the last week things have got back to normal but with the occasional day where the breathing issues return. it's now just shy of 4 weeks and nearly sorted. One major continued showstopper is smoke, perfume or deodorant, which flattens me immediately! I've also lost nearly 2 stone in the last month.

I think I've got away relatively lightly. Be warned about the "symptoms", as in my case, I had "none" of the tell tale symptoms.