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Thread: Type 2 Diabetes

  1. #26

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Another thing is that I make almost all my own food now. No more $20 lunches at work. So that's a big plus.
    What food do you make? My downfall is work where we don't have a microwave so tend to eat junk

  2. #27

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I really need to to lose weight and have decided to have a proper go at doing so this year. I don't have have diabetes, but, like Mrs Steve R, am somewhat surprised that I don't do so, because, in many ways, I seem a natural candidate for it. I had made up my mind that I would try a soup and smoothies diet, but I'd be interested in hearing more about coconut oil - it seems that the oil helps with the weight loss process, but doesn't cause it, so how would your eating habits change if you started using it?
    Look into keto diets. No beer, sugar, bread or potatoes. But as much meat, eggs, butter, cream and cheese as you want. And you can still drink spirits. Scotch and soda is my tipple now. It's relatively easy to stick to. The only problem for me is eating out or ordering lunch. If I forget or neglect to pack myself a lunch, I usually order an omelette. One of the great things that I have found is that I don't have to eat extra food to compensate for the carbs. So for example, I just eat the omelette with no home fries or toast and I'm still satisfied.

  3. #28

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    What food do you make? My downfall is work where we don't have a microwave so tend to eat junk
    I make chili, bolognese sauce, cauliflower and chicken curry, pulled pork etc and pack them into 1 pint containers. Then just pick whatever I want out of the freezer. I snack on boiled eggs and rolled up ham and cheese slices.

  4. #29

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil helps control blood sugar and insulin levels, I'm not diabetic but I know from experience in the last few months it has helped me change the way I eat dramatically, I was all over the place before, I used to binge eat and eat crap all the time, I'm surprised that I never had Diabetes tbh.
    I have mine in the morning but if you have it with carbs they are broken down into glucose more slowly so your sugar levels remain steady even after you have eaten, I feel in control now, I don't have any cravings, I'm not hungry.

    I wont even go in to some of the terrible habits I had before

    I'm not even on a strict keto diet, I just have the oil with my own made up diet and that's working for me (88lbs now), do you feel well on it? I feel great!

    More good news..

    Ketogenic Diets Have "Profound Effect on Brain Function," Studies Find
    Though I'm glad your diet works for you I looked into the claims you made about coconut oil when you last mentioned this and it appears to be the latest health fad.I would imagine that your success is down to watching what you eat more than the properties of coconut oil and therein lies the success of your diet methinks.I have been a type 1 diabetic since I was 26(now 60)and asked all the healthcare professionals I could corner about the benefits of coconut oil,none were positive but all said that theres no magic fix other than the amount of food you intake,counting your carbs and takeing some exercise.
    Last edited by sneggyblubird; 12-01-18 at 14:47. Reason: addon

  5. #30
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I really need to to lose weight and have decided to have a proper go at doing so this year. I don't have have diabetes, but, like Mrs Steve R, am somewhat surprised that I don't do so, because, in many ways, I seem a natural candidate for it. I had made up my mind that I would try a soup and smoothies diet, but I'd be interested in hearing more about coconut oil - it seems that the oil helps with the weight loss process, but doesn't cause it, so how would your eating habits change if you started using it?
    Personally I would give the smoothies diet a miss because you can cram a hell of a lot of fruit in to one smoothie that you would not normally eat in one day, I think eating it whole is far better for you.
    I have just been doing my own thing really, I don't eat meat and certain fruits make my mouth itch so I've built my plan around that, I still have my favourite cauliflower cheese twice a week and the rest of the time I have fruit, salads, seeded bread ect, I use honey instead of sugar and avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners like the plague.

    My sister argues that if I was doing the same thing without taking the oil I would have lost more weight but I don't believe I would have stuck to it if I hadn't, the oil is processed in a different way so I don't have the same dips and highs throughout the day like I did before, I don't even think about food throughout the day now, before it would not have been unusual for me to have munched my way through a box of french fancies by this time of day (shocking)

    You can find good and bad stories on the internet about coconut oil many based on old research from when saturated fat was wrongly demonised, saturated fats are essential for good health..

    “Saturated fats found in butter and coconut oil (myristic acid and lauric acid) play key roles in immune health. Loss of sufficient saturated fatty acids in the white blood cells hampers their ability to recognize and destroy foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Human breast milk is quite rich in myristic and lauric acid, which have potent germ-killing ability. But the importance of the fats lives on beyond infancy; we need dietary replenishment of them throughout adulthood, middle age, and into seniority to keep the immune system vigilant against the development of cancerous cells as well as infectious invaders.”

    and they do not clog up your arteries..

    "Among doctors and the public alike, there is a popular belief that dietary saturated fat clogs up the arteries and results in coronary heart disease. A new editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine says that this notion of saturated fat clogging a pipe is "just plain wrong."

    Unless you are still being breast fed I think it's worth taking for the lauric acid alone.

    Obviously I'm not an expert and I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm just saying what has been working for me, I will sort out a load of links for you and you can decide for yourself.

  6. #31
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I have a good friend that changed his diet to overcome type 2. He wasn't particularly overweight, but he drank a lot of beer.
    A fella I work with has it. He has changed hic diet and it had gone. his doctor said he couldn't beleive it and said "I wish I could take you out and let you talk to all the other people waitng in my sergury.
    He now has 3 other guys in work doing what he did and the prognosis is good.

  7. #32

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Personally I would give the smoothies diet a miss because you can cram a hell of a lot of fruit in to one smoothie that you would not normally eat in one day, I think eating it whole is far better for you.
    I have just been doing my own thing really, I don't eat meat and certain fruits make my mouth itch so I've built my plan around that, I still have my favourite cauliflower cheese twice a week and the rest of the time I have fruit, salads, seeded bread ect, I use honey instead of sugar and avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners like the plague.

    My sister argues that if I was doing the same thing without taking the oil I would have lost more weight but I don't believe I would have stuck to it if I hadn't, the oil is processed in a different way so I don't have the same dips and highs throughout the day like I did before, I don't even think about food throughout the day now, before it would not have been unusual for me to have munched my way through a box of french fancies by this time of day (shocking)

    You can find good and bad stories on the internet about coconut oil many based on old research from when saturated fat was wrongly demonised, saturated fats are essential for good health..

    “Saturated fats found in butter and coconut oil (myristic acid and lauric acid) play key roles in immune health. Loss of sufficient saturated fatty acids in the white blood cells hampers their ability to recognize and destroy foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Human breast milk is quite rich in myristic and lauric acid, which have potent germ-killing ability. But the importance of the fats lives on beyond infancy; we need dietary replenishment of them throughout adulthood, middle age, and into seniority to keep the immune system vigilant against the development of cancerous cells as well as infectious invaders.”

    and they do not clog up your arteries..

    "Among doctors and the public alike, there is a popular belief that dietary saturated fat clogs up the arteries and results in coronary heart disease. A new editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine says that this notion of saturated fat clogging a pipe is "just plain wrong."

    Unless you are still being breast fed I think it's worth taking for the lauric acid alone.

    Obviously I'm not an expert and I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm just saying what has been working for me, I will sort out a load of links for you and you can decide for yourself.
    Thanks to you and NYC Blue for your replies. Regarding saturated fats, I first started thinking of trying to lose weight around thirty years ago and for about eighty to ninety per cent of that time, I tailored my diet around cutting right down on saturated fats - it wasn't as if you could eat as much sugar as you wanted, but saturated fat was definitely thought of as the villain of the piece.

    I like what you say about coconut oil because it seems that, even if it does nothing else, it stops you feeling so hungry through the day, but, as someone who has a heart condition (atrial fibrillation), it's probably best to take rs3100's advice and check with my GP or fibrillation nurse before I try to make any drastic alterations to my diet - for now I think I'll stick with some of the foods you and NYC Blue talk about - I can see me having a lot of cheese salads which was something I virtually stopped eating back in my anything but saturated fat days.

  8. #33

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Diets are diets and they are fine, however you should probably trust serious medically backed research if trying to fight disease rather than dietitians and quacks with flaky research that they crow barred in to make it look like science. Not than anybody here said that, just underlying that difference.

    People can suffer with the onset of diabetes for 10 years or more before being properly diagnosed. Those that go so long normally have a stroke 1st! Whilst you can not reverse or improve your insulin levels by a diet and exercise, obviously improving your diet and exercise means the insulin levels you produce are sufficient to tackle the blood sugar levels.

    For all those coconut oil lovers, this is a fantastic documentary that is on Youtube. For a revolutionary anarchist like myself its where i am going to retire too, if the diabetes doesn't kill me first.


    The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary film about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island during the Bougainville Civil War. The movement is described as the "world's first successful eco-revolution"

  9. #34

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Thanks to you and NYC Blue for your replies. Regarding saturated fats, I first started thinking of trying to lose weight around thirty years ago and for about eighty to ninety per cent of that time, I tailored my diet around cutting right down on saturated fats - it wasn't as if you could eat as much sugar as you wanted, but saturated fat was definitely thought of as the villain of the piece.

    I like what you say about coconut oil because it seems that, even if it does nothing else, it stops you feeling so hungry through the day, but, as someone who has a heart condition (atrial fibrillation), it's probably best to take rs3100's advice and check with my GP or fibrillation nurse before I try to make any drastic alterations to my diet - for now I think I'll stick with some of the foods you and NYC Blue talk about - I can see me having a lot of cheese salads which was something I virtually stopped eating back in my anything but saturated fat days.
    I should have added that I do eat a lot of salads, with cheese, bacon, eggs, avocados etc. I've never enjoyed salad so much before.

  10. #35
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Thanks to you and NYC Blue for your replies. Regarding saturated fats, I first started thinking of trying to lose weight around thirty years ago and for about eighty to ninety per cent of that time, I tailored my diet around cutting right down on saturated fats - it wasn't as if you could eat as much sugar as you wanted, but saturated fat was definitely thought of as the villain of the piece.

    I like what you say about coconut oil because it seems that, even if it does nothing else, it stops you feeling so hungry through the day, but, as someone who has a heart condition (atrial fibrillation), it's probably best to take rs3100's advice and check with my GP or fibrillation nurse before I try to make any drastic alterations to my diet - for now I think I'll stick with some of the foods you and NYC Blue talk about - I can see me having a lot of cheese salads which was something I virtually stopped eating back in my anything but saturated fat days.
    I started trying different diets when I was in my late teens, so just over 30 years ago too, I've tried em all but still managed to get progressively fatter over the years.

    Just wanted to add the reason I avoid sweeteners below, they are now being linked to diabetes, heart disease and weight gain so I would avoid them with a heart condition if I were you, I hate them with a passion tbh.


    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    Diets are diets and they are fine, however you should probably trust serious medically backed research if trying to fight disease rather than dietitians and quacks with flaky research that they crow barred in to make it look like science. Not than anybody here said that, just underlying that difference.

    People can suffer with the onset of diabetes for 10 years or more before being properly diagnosed. Those that go so long normally have a stroke 1st! Whilst you can not reverse or improve your insulin levels by a diet and exercise, obviously improving your diet and exercise means the insulin levels you produce are sufficient to tackle the blood sugar levels.

    For all those coconut oil lovers, this is a fantastic documentary that is on Youtube. For a revolutionary anarchist like myself its where i am going to retire too, if the diabetes doesn't kill me first.


    The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary film about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island during the Bougainville Civil War. The movement is described as the "world's first successful eco-revolution"

    I've read something about that before, I will watch it 2mo, cheers.

  11. #36

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    I note there is no reference to insulin resistance in this thread which is very pertinent to the overweight.

    It probably hasn't helped that most doctors couldn't diagnose diabetes up till ten years ago if you presented them with a list of symptoms and a diabetic encyclopaedia. I was lucky that after presenting classic diabetic symptoms for 20 years I went to a nurse for a blood pressure check. She had just come off a diabetic course and recognised the symptoms. Sure enough she tested my blood sugars which were off the scale and appropriate treatment could start. It took a while before a doctor realised that I was taking an industrial dose of insulin with no effect on my blood sugars, only on the blood/bruises where I was injecting myself.

    Those of you who don't take sugar with your cereals should check up how much natural sugar is in your milk.

  12. #37

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackadder View Post
    I note there is no reference to insulin resistance in this thread which is very pertinent to the overweight.

    It probably hasn't helped that most doctors couldn't diagnose diabetes up till ten years ago if you presented them with a list of symptoms and a diabetic encyclopaedia. I was lucky that after presenting classic diabetic symptoms for 20 years I went to a nurse for a blood pressure check. She had just come off a diabetic course and recognised the symptoms. Sure enough she tested my blood sugars which were off the scale and appropriate treatment could start. It took a while before a doctor realised that I was taking an industrial dose of insulin with no effect on my blood sugars, only on the blood/bruises where I was injecting myself.

    Those of you who don't take sugar with your cereals should check up how much natural sugar is in your milk.
    That's why I only use cream these days.

  13. #38

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Think you're confusing type 1 with type 2 there tbh.
    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Granted I've limited understanding, but Type 1 is rarer and believed to be down to genes, correct?

  14. #39

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil helps control blood sugar and insulin levels, I'm not diabetic but I know from experience in the last few months it has helped me change the way I eat dramatically, I was all over the place before, I used to binge eat and eat crap all the time, I'm surprised that I never had Diabetes tbh.
    I have mine in the morning but if you have it with carbs they are broken down into glucose more slowly so your sugar levels remain steady even after you have eaten, I feel in control now, I don't have any cravings, I'm not hungry.

    I wont even go in to some of the terrible habits I had before

    I'm not even on a strict keto diet, I just have the oil with my own made up diet and that's working for me (88lbs now), do you feel well on it? I feel great!

    More good news..

    Ketogenic Diets Have "Profound Effect on Brain Function," Studies Find
    Too much misinformation here.

    "I've never had diabetes". - implies you think this thing comes and goes.

    Maybe coconut oil works for you, but it isn't sensible to recommend it as a way of controlling insulin and fighting diabetes. There are not many studies on the long term effects of coconut oil. You should probably stop eating meat if you are using coconut oil.

  15. #40

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    Diets are diets and they are fine, however you should probably trust serious medically backed research if trying to fight disease rather than dietitians and quacks with flaky research that they crow barred in to make it look like science. Not than anybody here said that, just underlying that difference.

    People can suffer with the onset of diabetes for 10 years or more before being properly diagnosed. Those that go so long normally have a stroke 1st! Whilst you can not reverse or improve your insulin levels by a diet and exercise, obviously improving your diet and exercise means the insulin levels you produce are sufficient to tackle the blood sugar levels.

    For all those coconut oil lovers, this is a fantastic documentary that is on Youtube. For a revolutionary anarchist like myself its where i am going to retire too, if the diabetes doesn't kill me first.


    The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary film about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island during the Bougainville Civil War. The movement is described as the "world's first successful eco-revolution"

    Good post,

  16. #41

  17. #42
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Too much misinformation here.

    "I've never had diabetes". - implies you think this thing comes and goes.

    Maybe coconut oil works for you, but it isn't sensible to recommend it as a way of controlling insulin and fighting diabetes. There are not many studies on the long term effects of coconut oil. You should probably stop eating meat if you are using coconut oil.
    I don't eat meat, cheese and coconut oil are the only fats I have.

    "I've never had diabetes". - implies you think this thing comes and goes.

    That's not what I said at all, I just meant I'm surprised I haven't got it, I didn't say anything about it coming and going.

    "Although diabetics are encouraged to avoid or limit fats and especially saturated fats from animal products, experts are now telling us that coconut oil is one fat that can safely help regulate blood glucose levels and protect against insulin resistance."

    Why not google 'Coconut Oil for Diabetes' or go on some of the forums and see what diabetics are saying, if you look on pet forums you will also find that people are treating dogs with diabetes with it too.

  18. #43

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    If you have Type 2 the Metformin tablets give you the shits on a grand scale.

    I think I'd prefer injections or do they do the same ?

    Anyway 6.8 sugars and 4.8 cholesterol with the medication at the moment.

    Shares in Andrex recommended as more folk develop it.

  19. #44

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I don't eat meat, cheese and coconut oil are the only fats I have.

    Why not google 'Coconut Oil for Diabetes' or go on some of the forums and see what diabetics are saying, if you look on pet forums you will also find that people are treating dogs with diabetes with it too.
    Therefore, it is not wise for you to recommend coconut oil to people who may be getting saturated fats from meat.

    I have googled "Coconut oil for diabetes", and there is not a peer-reviewed study out there. There's a hell of a lot of p-hacking though, and there's also a lot of anecdotal evidence. But, no peer-reviewed study. Until we have one, such Google searches are going to come back with misinformation.

    Also, just because people are giving it to dogs, it isn't really enough to convince me that we should be recommending it to human beings. It's a shame because it would be a cheaper option for the NHS. I wonder why they aren't rolling it out?

  20. #45
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Therefore, it is not wise for you to recommend coconut oil to people who may be getting saturated fats from meat.

    I have googled "Coconut oil for diabetes", and there is not a peer-reviewed study out there. There's a hell of a lot of p-hacking though, and there's also a lot of anecdotal evidence. But, no peer-reviewed study. Until we have one, such Google searches are going to come back with misinformation.

    Also, just because people are giving it to dogs, it isn't really enough to convince me that we should be recommending it to human beings. It's a shame because it would be a cheaper option for the NHS. I wonder why they aren't rolling it out?
    Do you read all of the posts in a thread? you must have missed where I said: "Obviously I'm not an expert and I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm just saying what has been working for me"

    I did not say because people are giving it to dogs we should give it to humans I just meant if people are interested in the subject they might want to read about how it's now being used on animals.

    As for the NHS, coconut oil is a natural product so I don't think it can be patented by big pharma in it's current form, I doubt the NHS will be dishing it out until they have genetically modified in some way.

    Anything else you want to pick at? I've had nothing but negativity since I've started this diet anyway, despite being 90lbs down, looking and feeling healthier than I have in 30 years people are still determined to make me feel shit about it, I'm past caring now tbh.

  21. #46

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Take no notice of them Mrs R, you keep taking your motor oil

  22. #47
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by ian gibson View Post
    Take no notice of them Mrs R, you keep taking your motor oil
    I going to.

  23. #48

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Well,I must admit after watching an episode of "Trust me I'm a doctor" I'll now have to reassess the possible benefits of coconut oil.I guess its a given that all who have read this thread from start to finish will have an interest.They ran a test on the effects of what they call bad cholesterol on the body as a result of ingesting 3 types of fat,namely,butter,olive oil and coconut oil. Sufficed to say that doctor were somewhat astounded to find that coconut oil reduced the chance of heart disease by a huge 15%.They also said more research was needed(they always do)so time to eat a bit of humble pie.Must be something in it as the doctors were genuinly surprised.

  24. #49
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    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by sneggyblubird View Post
    Well,I must admit after watching an episode of "Trust me I'm a doctor" I'll now have to reassess the possible benefits of coconut oil.I guess its a given that all who have read this thread from start to finish will have an interest.They ran a test on the effects of what they call bad cholesterol on the body as a result of ingesting 3 types of fat,namely,butter,olive oil and coconut oil. Sufficed to say that doctor were somewhat astounded to find that coconut oil reduced the chance of heart disease by a huge 15%.They also said more research was needed(they always do)so time to eat a bit of humble pie.Must be something in it as the doctors were genuinly surprised.
    Pies are not very good if you're on a diet

    I must admit I was not expecting them to show it in a good light for some reason, it was a pleasant surprise when they gave out the results..


  25. #50

    Re: Type 2 Diabetes

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    I have read stories of people cutting carbs and changing their diet and lifestyle and not needing medication anymore due to reversing the process
    Yes, happened to my brother. Changed his diet, lost about 6 stone in weight too.

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