Quote Originally Posted by cityhammer View Post
seems some people didnt bother reading the article. Nissan will no longer be importing batteries from Japan as one fo the terms of the trade deal is that to qualify for zero tariffs the car has to be 55% derived form Uk or EU, so jobs will be created, but dont let facts get in the way of sniping.
Maybe everybody who was "sniping" read this comment in the article and didn't just assume that jobs would be created:

"Nissan would not confirm if this would mean additional jobs at Sunderland, which is the UK's largest car plant."

Seems a strange thing to do considering it would be amazing PR for them after hanging the Sword of Damocles over people's heads for months on end, doesn't it?

If they do create new jobs, then I'll be back posting in this thread to say I'm sorry.