I think whether Leavers see this particular issue as a validation of Brexit, those who bemoan our departure from the EU the opposite or if you are like LoM, arch remainer as Herbert Huw (see below), who just wants to be on the winning side, then it masks the wider issue.


The EU "free trade" treaty is the first in history to make trade between different countries more rather than less difficult. The governments own analysis and general economist consensus anticipate it will result in a 4-5% reduction in the UKs GDP over 15 years. Much of GDP loss comes from the impact on the Service sector (particularly Financial services) which formed no part of the trade deal.
By comparison the ambitious target for a UK-US trade deal anticipates a 0.16% uplift in GDP as a result.

There may be a range of valid reasons why people think Brexit will be beneficial, control of our laws, seas and borders to control the movement of people into our country amongst them. I have yet to see one which concludes it will make us wealthier as a country in the short, medium or long term though.