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Thread: Brentford to stop taking a knee

  1. #76

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
    I got into a debate about it on the other board.

    Some interesting debates. And some rancid views.

    One thing I find absolutely laughable is that
    people are claiming that the players are now supporting and implementing a socialist agenda...(oh that it were true!)

    Footballers.. socialists... Lol.

    Football has become the epitome of capitalism and players probably don't even know what socialism is.

    Imagine being allowed to watch live football for the first time in over 18 months and the first thing you do is boo your own players for a gesture which is attempting to unite against racism.. before they have even kicked a ball. what an abysmal thing to do.

    Talk about snowflakes..

    So what if the players take the knee. Even if fans think it's little more than tokenism, it's the players choice.

    If it's more offensive to someone when players take the knee than it is when players receive ongoing aggressive racist abuse and threats, it shows how stupid people are.
    I've nothing against players 'taking the knee'. They have a lot of spare time on their hands which is normally taken up playing video games in their 'games rooms'. So I suggest they do it in parks, go on marches, anywhere else other than in front of football supporters who, in the main, don't want to see it. Not because what it does or doesn't represent, but they don't cough up all that dosh to be preached to by dimwit footballers..

  2. #77

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post

    Some people on the other board proved that.

    And they are often in denial of the facts... taking the knee, while gained support after George Floyds murder, was started in 2016 by Colin Kaepernick, who is no Marxist activist, just an American Football player who peacefully demonstrated against the continued persecution of black people at the hands of the police - which is demonstrably proven.
    One of the inspirations behind taking the knee was Nate Boyer a white former green beret.

  3. #78

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Is football becoming more political or is politics becoming more like football?

    The absolute certainty applied when Player X is described as a diving cheat and Player Y was travelling at speed so even slightest touch would send them over (depending on whether it's your side or not) is now more obvious in politics and topical debates.
    Raising issues about racism isn't political.

    But as an aside, music, art and sports have always been political.

    Those who call for a separation of music, arts and sports from politics are deluded or at the least selective in their history discourse.

    From the slaves in America writing songs of freedom, the Olympics in Nazi Germany, Marlon Brando boycotting the Oscars to protest Hollywood's treatment of Native Americans, the boycotting of apartheid South Africa by musicians and sports teams - to taking the knee... unavoidable and mercifully, necessary and part of a humans expression to highlight and improve things.

    Long may it continue.

  4. #79
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Lets prey the new football role models of society behaviour in the appropriate for all manner of things not just race .

  5. #80

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    I've nothing against players 'taking the knee'. They have a lot of spare time on their hands which is normally taken up playing video games in their 'games rooms'. So I suggest they do it in parks, go on marches, anywhere else other than in front of football supporters who, in the main, don't want to see it. Not because what it does or doesn't represent, but they don't cough up all that dosh to be preached to by dimwit footballers..
    It does seem to touch a nerve with the daily mail readers.

  6. #81

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Lets prey the new football role models of society behaviour in the appropriate for all manner of things not just race .
    Is there any chance of you editing that comment so that it makes any sense whatsoever?

  7. #82

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Is there any chance of you editing that comment so that it makes any sense whatsoever?
    I have learned to speak a little LoM so I may be able to help. I think it's something along these lines:

    My distaste for "taking the knee" and people living in this country who are not "naturally-born UK citizens" is well chronicled. Indeed this was the motivation for me resurrecting this thread after it had sat dormant for four months. However, on reflection I now think this is a noble stepping stone where footballers will start to show a lead, not only on issues of race but on other important social issues. I pray constantly for that time to come.

  8. #83
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Is there any chance of you editing that comment so that it makes any sense whatsoever?
    Sorry bit clumsy ,grammar not my best skill set as you so kindly point out ,

    Let's try again: let's hope this new era see' s fans and footballers behaviours change as historyteldifferent story , if they are now taking a strong moral position on this subject so they should on all manner of behaviours in my view .

  9. #84

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Sorry bit clumsy ,grammar not my best skill set as you so kindly point out ,

    Let's try again: let's hope this new era see' s fans and footballers behaviours change as historyteldifferent story , if they are now taking a strong moral position on this subject so they should on all manner of behaviours in my view .
    While I agree that it would be good for footballers to get involved in other social issues, and Marcus Rashford has done that with children's meals etc., the racism question is a big one in football and needs to be highlighted. Football crowds tend to be 90% + white with a long history of racist behaviour and this still goes on today, whereas black players are highly represented in the sport. By taking the knee and speaking out, it can raise awareness to supporters that racism still exists. The fact that some English fans booed their own players for taking the knee suggests to me that this is the reason players should take the knee (if they want to). You don't hear the monkey chants in grounds or loudly expressed 'N-----' or 'black bastard' but, instead, these types of insults are still used in social media messages to players.

  10. #85

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    I do find it ironic that the people most vocal about politics in football and ‘only want to watch the football’ are the same that will probably clap the troops when they parade the pitch

  11. #86

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I do find it ironic that the people most vocal about politics in football and ‘only want to watch the football’ are the same that will probably clap the troops when they parade the pitch
    I do not like the military parading at sporting events: the military of many countries, including our own, have been involved in illegally invading countries in recent decades.

  12. #87

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    I do find it ironic that the people most vocal about politics in football and ‘only want to watch the football’ are the same that will probably clap the troops when they parade the pitch
    Will be amusing to hear people complain about politics, while watching an international football tournament where players are given their teams because of political lines drawn on the ground.

  13. #88
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    I've nothing against players 'taking the knee'. They have a lot of spare time on their hands which is normally taken up playing video games in their 'games rooms'. So I suggest they do it in parks, go on marches, anywhere else other than in front of football supporters who, in the main, don't want to see it. Not because what it does or doesn't represent, but they don't cough up all that dosh to be preached to by dimwit footballers..


    More football fans in Europe - including in England, Scotland and Wales - are supportive of players taking a knee than against it, but they are split over the gesture's importance in tackling racism, according to a major survey.

  14. #89
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
    I got into a debate about it on the other board.

    Some interesting debates. And some rancid views.

    One thing I find absolutely laughable is that
    people are claiming that the players are now supporting and implementing a socialist agenda...(oh that it were true!)

    Footballers.. socialists... Lol.

    Football has become the epitome of capitalism and players probably don't even know what socialism is.

    Imagine being allowed to watch live football for the first time in over 18 months and the first thing you do is boo your own players for a gesture which is attempting to unite against racism.. before they have even kicked a ball. what an abysmal thing to do.

    Talk about snowflakes..

    So what if the players take the knee. Even if fans think it's little more than tokenism, it's the players choice.

    If it's more offensive to someone when players take the knee than it is when players receive ongoing aggressive racist abuse and threats, it shows how stupid people are.
    I read the other board but never post on there. I am pretty certain I'd be banned within hours for what they would consider my "Marxist" views.

  15. #90

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I read the other board but never post on there. I am pretty certain I'd be banned within hours for what they would consider my "Marxist" views.
    Aye, I know what you're saying

    Some posters with differing views make some good points, which I may disagree with, but at least are respectful. Others are just bonkers.

    I'm surprised I lasted at long as I did.

  16. #91

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The problem with your sensible and reasoned approach is that people who fervently support booing the taking of the knee ........something I support but would not object to if it ended .....are fecking stupid racists

    They can argue its run its course , its bringing politics into football , its Marxist etc as long until they are blue in the face but they are racists and when you hit them in the face with that they either admit it or make all sorts of excuses to try and slip their way out of it .

    Educated debate is fine but booing players for taking the knee ? Naaa
    Watch this video


    The people booing are beyond thick, probably the same people who give McClean dogs abuse for not wearing the poppy.

  17. #92

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Llandaff Blue View Post
    Watch this video


    The people booing are beyond thick, probably the same people who give McClean dogs abuse for not wearing the poppy.
    As the text says ......no surrender to the IRA is ok .......but these chumps don't want politics in football 😒

  18. #93

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quick question?
    Are all sporting events, games, occasions taking the knee?
    Olympics, Lions Tour, Tennis in Paris, Wimbledon round the corner, Horse racing, Golf

  19. #94

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Its been emotional View Post
    Quick question?
    Are all sporting events, games, occasions taking the knee?
    Olympics, Lions Tour, Tennis in Paris, Wimbledon round the corner, Horse racing, Golf
    topless darts

    Monkey tennis

  20. #95
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Appears Scotland will not be Taking The Knee ,it will intresting to see how this plays out over the tournament .

    I believe England and NZ cricketers didn't partake today .

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