Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
we're seeing the effects of managed immigration with food shortages, lack of drivers, inflation. huzzah!

now I have to confess I have no idea what your position is. you want free trade with the rest of the world but shorter supply lines. In terms of supply lines, we can't get much shorter than crossing the sleive.
I think food shortages is a bit of an exaggeration, and probably pretty offensive to much of the world. We've discussed the driver situation and I've provided a link that shows very clearly that inflation in the UK is lower than the eurozone and many EU (and global countries).

In terms of the second point; I could ask the same of you. You seem to believe the answer to society's problems is a totally laissez faire economy yet you support membership of an organisation that expressly forbids any member from creating bilateral free-trade agreements with other countries in the world. Which is it?

Moreover, I'm in 2021, dealing with the reality of the situation and focusing on positives. It's better than being stuck in 2016 and focusing on negatives.

We don't agree on it, but that's irrelevant (and absolutely fine!) What is important is that we focus on the matter in hand and find the best way through it. You just saying "well, we should join the single market" doesn't solve anything. Campaign for it if you wish, but it would be many years away so doesn't help whatsoever now.