Unfortunately I've had way too much time on my hands this week due to self isolating, so have had a fair old look at this case.

It's extremely unique. As much as I agree that its ridiculous for armed people to be at protests, the reality is that its common place in the US. Most of the protests had significant numbers of armed proud boys or other white supremacists, black panthers or armed locals 'protecting ' their businesses.

Rittenhouse seems to be a very inadequate and pathetic individual who harbours delusions of 'being a hero' . Hence is silly little homemade first aid kit and going to a volatile atmosphere with a firearm.

Once there he seems to have been targeted by a deranged, aggressive criminal. Some of the videos of Rosenbaum are unbelievable. Threatening several of the armed idiots, shouting and screaming 'shoot me n**ga, shoot me n**ga in peoples faces. In fact in one of the videos several female protesters are heard telling him to calm down or he'll 'get us all shot' .
What kicked off Rosenbaum going for Rittenhouse was the fact that Rittenhouse extinguished a flaming skip hat Rosenbaum was trying to push into a building. That resulted in Rosenbaum chasing him, cornering him and trying to attack him.

More sympathy for the next 2 guys in, as they may well have thought they were dealing with an active shooter.

What really angers me is the way that both right and left have politicised it. For people on the left to say it's murder is beyond ridiculous, it was clear self defence.
For the right to be proclaiming him a hero is beyond vile. There are senators falling over themselves to give him an internship.

Rittenhouse is a sh*thouse little child with delusions of grandeur. He came unstuck big time against a mentally ill violent child molester. The fact the 2 of them live in a country with ridiculous gun laws sent the situation nuclear