Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
Ah, so the references to Tiberius and Pontius Pilate (which would date the crucifixion to around 30AD) by the Roman historian Tacitus would not count as independent evidence in your opinion then? It's a shame that you had to resort to such a belittling comment. I know most of the posters on this MB would love to be able to prove that Jesus never even existed but somehow he inconveniently just won't go away will he!
Jesus the bloke probably did exist. Jesus the bloke who rose from the dead, walked on water, fed 500 people with a fish, cured the incurable, etc probably did not. Most people like solid proof of some sort to believe in such things so if you could produce some (actual proof and not just some writings from the bible) then I’m sure a lot of the posters on here would be rational and humble enough to accept that with solid evidence Jesus both existed and performed miracles as the son of god.

But since you’ve already handwaved away the discussion about his birth, “why should the precise date matter”, no doubt hard evidence shouldn’t matter either as long as you simply believe.