Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
I get your point, but you were almost revelling in a hiccup on day one of what is a logistically extremely challenging and very important project. Sometimes someones dislike of a political party just shines through and disrupts their logic. As I said, your issue on this would be valid after a few days, not literally after a few hours.

It's incredibly rare for complex projects to go absolutely perfectly from minute one. We do already have double the percentage of the population booster-jabbed than the EU average for example, so some kind of acknowledgement of an ability to deliver and give confidence would help.

And it seems you may have been wrong too: Below from a govt spokesperson. https://www.theguardian.com/politics...latest-updates

"There is no shortage of lateral flow tests. We have more than sufficient supply. What we are seeing is, because of the heightened demand today, those available to be posted out today, those slots have been filled already.

We are working with the postal service and others to further increase slots.

But it is important for people to understand if they do encounter trouble, they can go to their local pharmacy. The slots refresh daily."
I’m being entirely logical in my approach - I’ll never ever be a Conservative voter, but I’m fairly sure that, say, John Major and Theresa May would not have got themselves into the mess Johnson has whereby so many people just have no faith or trust in him when it comes to the pandemic. That is very serious for the country and, on reflection, it might have been a better idea to have scientists who could have been questioned afterwards, deliver last night’s news.

Some people are unable to order lateral flow tests today, so they have run out of them and, unless there’s a limit on how many you can take from a pharmacy, they’ll run out of them as well soon.