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Thread: NHS waiting lists

  1. #1

    NHS waiting lists

  2. #2

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    You have to be a complete moron to think the tories are good for the NHS, or any other public service really.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    You have to be a complete moron to think the tories are good for the NHS, or any other public service really.
    I know , especially as there has been no exceptional event like a pandemic effecting business as usual .

  4. #4

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I know , especially as there has been no exceptional event like a pandemic effecting business as usual .
    So you're just going to ignore then that things were going to shit before 2020 as well?

  5. #5
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    So you're just going to ignore then that things were going to shit before 2020 as well?
    Nope we need to fix it and fast even if we all pay more , and not moan about paying more for the fundamental and obvious fact it's a serious provision to fund as it grows and folk live longer because of the same worthwhile investments in treatment to extend life.

  6. #6

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    So you're just going to ignore then that things were going to shit before 2020 as well?
    They weren't good in Wales either were they?

    Neither main party has treated the NHS particularly well over the years in my opinion

  7. #7

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Nope we need to fix it and fast even if we all pay more , and not moan about paying more for the fundamental and obvious fact it's a serious provision to fund as it grows and folk live longer because of the same worthwhile investments in treatment to extend life.
    Are you completely oblivious to how wages have stagnated while the billionaire class (who own our politicians and media) basically doubled their wealth during the pandemic?

    This is the source of every single problem in the UK and I don't know what it'll take for the older generations to see it.

  8. #8

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    They weren't good in Wales either were they?

    Neither main party has treated the NHS particularly well over the years in my opinion
    Yeah it's a mystery why things would get worse when a country receives cuts to its budget from Westminster.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Are you completely oblivious to how wages have stagnated while the billionaire class (who own our politicians and media) basically doubled their wealth during the pandemic?

    This is the source of every single problem in the UK and I don't know what it'll take for the older generations to see it.
    Nope not oblivious in fact we know 2019/20, the wage cost NHS staff was £56.1 billion (46.6 % of the NHS budget.) See the issue there (46% ) its bugger all to do with billionaires it's about an organisation too big to fund and manage and folk living longer due to a well funded NHS .

  10. #10
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Yeah it's a mystery why things would get worse when a country receives cuts to its budget from Westminster.
    Yeh bugger looking at performance and delivering care , hy Sepsis in Wales us off the scale let's blame the money supplier, great out .

    I'm sure they could do with more dosh big question is what would they do with it ?

    It's a lazy answer.

  11. #11

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Yeah it's a mystery why things would get worse when a country receives cuts to its budget from Westminster.
    They havent. Welsh budget only goes in one direction. And the amount of govt expenditure per person in Wales is far higher than in England.

  12. #12

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Nope not oblivious in fact we know 2019/20, the wage cost NHS staff was £56.1 billion (46.6 % of the NHS budget.) See the issue there (46% ) its bugger all to do with billionaires it's about an organisation too big to fund and manage and folk living longer due to a well funded NHS .
    You do know most NHS staff are paid less than they are in other western countries yeah?

    I'll ask you this, why could we used to afford it, why can other countries afford it but the UK can't?

    You've missed the point about the billionaire class, don't you think it's weird that there are more billionaires than ever in the UK, and they're richer than ever but wages are stagnating? TrIcKlE DoWn EcOnOmIcS.

    I don't know how you can't see you've had 30+ years of right wing media screaming this down your throat so they can further privatise the NHS (which has worked just so well for energy and trains). This will lead to worse outcomes mark my words.

    You literally have everything you want, tory government and brexit yet everything is still getting worse. I cannot name one thing getting better in the UK. Can you?

  13. #13
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    You do know most NHS staff are paid less than they are in other western countries yeah?

    I'll ask you this, why could we used to afford it, why can other countries afford it but the UK can't?

    You've missed the point about the billionaire class, don't you think it's weird that there are more billionaires than ever in the UK, and they're richer than ever but wages are stagnating? TrIcKlE DoWn EcOnOmIcS.

    I don't know how you can't see you've had 30+ years of right wing media screaming this down your throat so they can further privatise the NHS (which has worked just so well for energy and trains). This will lead to worse outcomes mark my words.

    You literally have everything you want, tory government and brexit yet everything is still getting worse. I cannot name one thing getting better in the UK. Can you?
    What I do know the wage bill big .
    Performance management is need as is value for money .
    Pouring more and more money into a system does not fix things modernisation does .
    Getting existing staff GP's to better cover weekends will reduce waiting lists .
    Charging people who can afford for minor non critical medial needs needs is needed .
    Look at what's been prescribed and why.
    Abuse of A&E and violence towards the staff due to over indulgence along with clogging up the real A&E needs .
    Blair brought waiting lists down and he was the last real radical politician to look at it and yes that included privatisation of certain elements..

    Remember this view :

    build a health service based on four BEVAN principles:

    free at the point of use ( when does the build finish )
    available to everyone who needed it ( that was designed for the poor not the rich )
    paid for out of general taxation ( that is being done but needs more via NI)
    used responsibly. ( this is the key one )

    when Bevan wrote this people sadly died a lot younger , population was much lower , they had no access to drugs that prolonged life, people weren't given stuff like mobility cars and other at home equipment , prescriptions were so much lower in supply , complicated expensive state of the art theatre ward equipment was not available , road deaths /injuries were a small percentage of hospital omissions , Crickey you could go on for hours .

    Its too big , its out lived its original purpose.

  14. #14

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    You do know most NHS staff are paid less than they are in other western countries yeah?

    I'll ask you this, why could we used to afford it, why can other countries afford it but the UK can't?

    You've missed the point about the billionaire class, don't you think it's weird that there are more billionaires than ever in the UK, and they're richer than ever but wages are stagnating? TrIcKlE DoWn EcOnOmIcS.

    I don't know how you can't see you've had 30+ years of right wing media screaming this down your throat so they can further privatise the NHS (which has worked just so well for energy and trains). This will lead to worse outcomes mark my words.

    You literally have everything you want, tory government and brexit yet everything is still getting worse. I cannot name one thing getting better in the UK. Can you?
    Do you ever stop lying? Why do you make stuff up? Honestly, if you read on some batty twitter site that Cardiff won 4-0 on saturday you would believe it.

    Just stop it, look at facts and stop spouting nonsense. You playing this game and using the NHS as a football, some kind of game does absolutely nothing to help the NHS.

    And I've just spent an hour on the phone to a friend who did a 14 hour shift at Princess of Wales health board. There are serious issues but this lefty buzzword bingo stuff you come up with never gets mentioned.

    Overall, there is no evidence of a significant increase in spending on private providers or widespread privatisation of services in recent years.


  15. #15

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Do you ever stop lying? Why do you make stuff up? Honestly, if you read on some batty twitter site that Cardiff won 4-0 on saturday you would believe it.

    Just stop it, look at facts and stop spouting nonsense. You playing this game and using the NHS as a football, some kind of game does absolutely nothing to help the NHS.

    And I've just spent an hour on the phone to a friend who did a 14 hour shift at Princess of Wales health board. There are serious issues but this lefty buzzword bingo stuff you come up with never gets mentioned.

    Overall, there is no evidence of a significant increase in spending on private providers or widespread privatisation of services in recent years.

    I mean... it's beyond laughable you would post an article from a thinktank funded by GlaxoSmithKline who are getting NHS contracts awarded to them. I knew you didn't have the ability to think critically and to analyse sources before but this is beyond a joke now.

    Tell me one thing that's gotten better in the UK over the past 12 years.

  16. #16

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Do you ever stop lying? Why do you make stuff up? Honestly, if you read on some batty twitter site that Cardiff won 4-0 on saturday you would believe it.

    Just stop it, look at facts and stop spouting nonsense. You playing this game and using the NHS as a football, some kind of game does absolutely nothing to help the NHS.

    And I've just spent an hour on the phone to a friend who did a 14 hour shift at Princess of Wales health board. There are serious issues but this lefty buzzword bingo stuff you come up with never gets mentioned.

    Overall, there is no evidence of a significant increase in spending on private providers or widespread privatisation of services in recent years.

    Just to add to this, show me my other lies? Are wages not stagnating? Is poverty not increasing? Is foodbank use not increasing? Are houses not becoming more and more unaffordable? Is wealth inequality not increasing? Is the NHS not struggling more than it has been (even before the pandemic)?

  17. #17

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    I mean... it's beyond laughable you would post an article from a thinktank funded by GlaxoSmithKline who are getting NHS contracts awarded to them. I knew you didn't have the ability to think critically and to analyse sources before but this is beyond a joke now.

    Tell me one thing that's gotten better in the UK over the past 12 years.
    Just a few off the top of my head (all with sources) And no one doubts enormous problems too, which you never offer a solution for. The point is, things aren't all bad. And all things that are bad arent caused by the government - many problems occur in all countries irrespective of government and cannot be solved without worsening another issue.

    Unemployment has halved

    Minimum wage gone from £5.93 an hour to £8.91

    Income tax on the richest gone from 40% to 45% (I assume you support that)

    COvid ruins the data but we are no longer in recession

    Murder rate has fallen

    Youth unemployment down from around 20% to 11%

    Covid ruined it, but government deficit vastly reduced

    EMployment rate up about 5%

    Stock market well up (good for pensions held in it)

    Green energy well up

    Housing starts more than doubled

  18. #18
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    Mar 2016

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    I mean... it's beyond laughable you would post an article from a thinktank funded by GlaxoSmithKline who are getting NHS contracts awarded to them. I knew you didn't have the ability to think critically and to analyse sources before but this is beyond a joke now.

    Tell me one thing that's gotten better in the UK over the past 12 years.
    No one is saying its perfect or far form it but we need to accept there is error within NHS and how its run its not all just evil Tory policy as so many jump to .

  19. #19
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    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Just a few off the top of my head (all with sources) And no one doubts enormous problems too, which you never offer a solution for. The point is, things aren't all bad. And all things that are bad arent caused by the government - many problems occur in all countries irrespective of government and cannot be solved without worsening another issue.

    Unemployment has halved

    Minimum wage gone from £5.93 an hour to £8.91

    Income tax on the richest gone from 40% to 45% (I assume you support that)

    COvid ruins the data but we are no longer in recession

    Murder rate has fallen

    Youth unemployment down from around 20% to 11%

    Covid ruined it, but government deficit vastly reduced

    EMployment rate up about 5%

    Stock market well up (good for pensions held in it)

    Green energy well up

    Housing starts more than doubled
    Personal Tax allowance s under the Tory's has gone up significantly as well greatly helping the lower wage scales


  20. #20

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Personal Tax allowance s under the Tory's has gone up significantly as well greatly helping the lower wage scales

    Absolutely. That, undeniably has been very positive.

    And I will add - there are numerous statistics going in the wrong direction. My point, as ever, is that things are mixed and those who present a black/white, good/bad picture of things are wrong to do so.

  21. #21

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Just a few off the top of my head (all with sources) And no one doubts enormous problems too, which you never offer a solution for. The point is, things aren't all bad. And all things that are bad arent caused by the government - many problems occur in all countries irrespective of government and cannot be solved without worsening another issue.

    Unemployment has halved

    Means nothing is working poverty is increasing dramatically.

    Minimum wage gone from £5.93 an hour to £8.91

    Means nothing if inflation has gone up by more, which it has.

    Income tax on the richest gone from 40% to 45% (I assume you support that)

    Not particularly for this, tax on capital and wealth needs to be increased rather than taxing the working man.

    COvid ruins the data but we are no longer in recession

    We were one of the last countries in the developed world to come out of the recession.

    Murder rate has fallen

    I'll give you that.

    Youth unemployment down from around 20% to 11%

    Again means nothing if you can't meet your basic needs on the wage you're on.

    Covid ruined it, but government deficit vastly reduced

    Yep that was improving, I'd argue we shouldn't see a deficit at all however and austerity is probably the most damaging way to reduce a deficity

    EMployment rate up about 5%

    Again, means nothing if people's basic needs aren't being met.

    Stock market well up (good for pensions held in it)

    The amount of people who can't afford to pay into pensions is growing, we have one of the worst state pensions in Europe. Most people in the UK don't have stocks and it isn't really a sign of a good economy. I'd also argue that focussing purely on the stock market has led to harsher working conditons and lower wages. Capital tax increase is needed on this asap and this is from someone who made almost twice the average wage during the past 12 months from the stock market. I'd also argue there should be tax on unrealised gains similarly to how we pay Council Tax.

    Green energy well up

    Yes this is good and multiple governments are to blame for this but we should have built a significant amount of nuclear power stations to secure our energy independence and lower energy costs (we've lost the ability to build nuclear stations ourselves which unfortunately has increased costs significantly).

    Housing starts more than doubled
    According to the graph housing starts are still less than the 1980s - 2000s, we need far more house building in the UK, like we saw in the 50s as house prices are becoming more and more unaffordable.

  22. #22

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    According to the graph housing starts are still less than the 1980s - 2000s, we need far more house building in the UK, like we saw in the 50s as house prices are becoming more and more unaffordable.
    I agree with you, we do need more.

  23. #23

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Something I’m involved in is house building, and there are some interesting and existing developments afoot.

    Modular Housing is expected to take off in a big way and you can build a house from scratch in three/six weeks. It’s affordable and eco-friendly. The Forest Green Rovers of the housing sector.


  24. #24

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Something I’m involved in is house building, and there are some interesting and existing developments afoot.

    Modular Housing is expected to take off in a big way and you can build a house from scratch in three/six weeks. It’s affordable and eco-friendly. The Forest Green Rovers of the housing sector.

    Thats great, although the construction cost is only a small part of the reason that houses are so expensive

  25. #25

    Re: NHS waiting lists

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Just a few off the top of my head (all with sources) And no one doubts enormous problems too, which you never offer a solution for. The point is, things aren't all bad. And all things that are bad arent caused by the government - many problems occur in all countries irrespective of government and cannot be solved without worsening another issue.

    Unemployment has halved

    Minimum wage gone from £5.93 an hour to £8.91

    Income tax on the richest gone from 40% to 45% (I assume you support that)

    COvid ruins the data but we are no longer in recession

    Murder rate has fallen

    Youth unemployment down from around 20% to 11%

    Covid ruined it, but government deficit vastly reduced

    EMployment rate up about 5%

    Stock market well up (good for pensions held in it)

    Green energy well up

    Housing starts more than doubled
    So you’re factoring in Covid when it suits, but making no allowance for the 2008 global crash when it comes to the figures the Conservatives inherited? In essence then, you’re not blaming the Tories for Covid (fair enough, even if their cuts left us worse off to deal with it and they ignored the results of the Cygnus exercise in 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Cygnus), but, effectively, blaming Labour for what happened in 2008 by making no allowances for the global crash about eighteen months earlier - that hardly seems fair..

    A look at the forecast section in some of those links you posted makes for sobering reading and I think giving any Government credit for not being in recession is a bit rich when the proportion of time the UK historically spends in recession is so small.

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