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Thread: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

  1. #26

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    I havent really followed this Hunter Biden story - can someone give me the basics? I sense it was a scandal with more smoke than fire, but nonetheless one that the media played down somewhat as they typically wanted Trump out.

  2. #27

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I havent really followed this Hunter Biden story - can someone give me the basics? I sense it was a scandal with more smoke than fire, but nonetheless one that the media played down somewhat as they typically wanted Trump out.
    The fire was definitely there, they just tried to make out it was only smoke at the time, including our lovely Lardy & Cyril who are always on top of world events

    If you are really you can download all the emails and photos, and then decide for yourself. That way you can avoid all the propagandists lurking in our midst.

  3. #28

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The fire was definitely there, they just tried to make out it was only smoke at the time, including our lovely Lardy & Cyril who are always on top of world events

    If you are really you can download all the emails and photos, and then decide for yourself. That way you can avoid all the propagandists lurking in our midst.
    If you are really interested you can download all the emails and photos ...

  4. #29

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The fire was definitely there, they just tried to make out it was only smoke at the time, including our lovely Lardy & Cyril who are always on top of world events

    If you are really you can download all the emails and photos, and then decide for yourself. That way you can avoid all the propagandists lurking in our midst.
    He asked for the basics and got absolute bupkis. What are the basics of the story WB?

  5. #30

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    He asked for the basics and got absolute bupkis. What are the basics of the story WB?
    The data is out there and it doesn't need interpreting, or any spin added. 10% for the big guy, nudge nudge wink wink

  6. #31

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The data is out there and it doesn't need interpreting, or any spin added. 10% for the big guy, nudge nudge wink wink
    That's not helpful in the slightest. Two people have now asked you for the basics of what the story is about and you have given us nothing.

    Do you, or have you ever answered a question in your life without hinting and being vague?

    This could end up being a bit of a catch-22 for you.

  7. #32

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    That's not helpful in the slightest. Two people have now asked you for the basics of what the story is about and you have given us nothing.

    Do you, or have you ever answered a question in your life without hinting and being vague?

    This could end up being a bit of a catch-22 for you.
    I'll ask Mozzer to send him the data, as it helps to avoid this sort of thing!

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I love how Russell Brand is now one of you guys's main sources

  8. #33

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'll ask Mozzer to send him the data, as it helps to avoid this sort of thing!
    Thanks for proving a point. You've been less than helpful.

  9. #34

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    Thanks for proving a point. You've been less than helpful.
    Source documents will always beat opinion and interpretation, you should try it sometime. Besides that, Hunter's laptop is so 2019, and you are already a bit late to the game! Anyway, I wouldn't fixate too much on it, your time would be much better spent preparing for the coming economic crisis and the global food shortages.

  10. #35

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Source documents will always beat opinion and interpretation, you should try it sometime. Besides that, Hunter's laptop is so 2019, and you are already a bit late to the game! Anyway, I wouldn't fixate too much on it, your time would be much better spent preparing for the coming economic crisis and the global food shortages.
    Is that what you're doing with your time?

    Anyway, what do you mean by "the coming economic crisis"? It's here already.

    For someone who appears to spend a lot of time predicting the future in vague and obtuse ways (and mentioning lardy and Cyril an obsessive amount), it seems like you don't have a brilliant grasp on the present.

    I'll give you an example of the type of answer you give to a simple question:

    You "Tito, why did you call yourself Tito Fuente when the music artist was actually called Tito Puente?"

    Me "your failure to interpret the facts of the matter aren't a surprise. You and Organ Morgan have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Puente-Fuente collusion conspiracy. Spend more time worrying about the Elon Musk-cow missile crisis and less time reading the MSM for a change."

  11. #36

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Source documents will always beat opinion and interpretation, you should try it sometime. Besides that, Hunter's laptop is so 2019, and you are already a bit late to the game! Anyway, I wouldn't fixate too much on it, your time would be much better spent preparing for the coming economic crisis and the global food shortages.
    Irony alert, Hunters laptop and Russian collusion are your only wins and you fro mention them now and then

  12. #37

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    Anyway, what do you mean by "the coming economic crisis"? It's here already.
    You ain't seen nothing yet, mate!

  13. #38

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Irony alert, Hunters laptop and Russian collusion are your only wins and you fro mention them now and then
    That's all that happened for 5 years, so there was a lot for people to get wrong!

  14. #39

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    Is that what you're doing with your time?

    Anyway, what do you mean by "the coming economic crisis"? It's here already.

    For someone who appears to spend a lot of time predicting the future in vague and obtuse ways (and mentioning lardy and Cyril an obsessive amount), it seems like you don't have a brilliant grasp on the present.

    I'll give you an example of the type of answer you give to a simple question:

    You "Tito, why did you call yourself Tito Fuente when the music artist was actually called Tito Puente?"

    Me "your failure to interpret the facts of the matter aren't a surprise. You and Organ Morgan have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Puente-Fuente collusion conspiracy. Spend more time worrying about the Elon Musk-cow missile crisis and less time reading the MSM for a change."
    Look, a word to the wise.

    The guy you are dealing with has regularly dated models, played football at a high level, is eligible for Mensa and once had an MIT Professor respond that his paper was PhD standard after having it being criticised by his tutor. He may well be a black belt in karate but he does tend to hide is light under a bushel.

    Also what he doesn't know about the Sandy Hook false flag, Hilary Clinton's involvement is a restaurant acting as a front for paedophiles, the death of Seth Rich, Pakistani IT guys hacking Democrat e-mails, the Clintons selling Uranium to the Russians for profit, the storm where the US military arrests paedophile sympathisers in high places and the movements of Chinese Aircraft carriers, frankly isn't worth knowing.

    You have been warned!

  15. #40

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Look, a word to the wise.
    A few embellishments and twisting of the facts there. I know very little about Sandy Hook, other than watching a video of the public enquiry where a janitor gave evidence. All the other stuff is on the same level as Russia collusion, meaning some of it may come out and some may not. What we do know for sure is that all of your predictions are usually alway totally wrong, so nice deflecting mate!

  16. #41

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I havent really followed this Hunter Biden story - can someone give me the basics? I sense it was a scandal with more smoke than fire, but nonetheless one that the media played down somewhat as they typically wanted Trump out.
    well basics you want basics is what your going to get James Wales

    well Hunter Biden was installed onto the board of Burisma Holdings in 2014 .see link


    He left his laptop in a computer store in Delaware and fell into the wrong arms well for him anyway .Relevations about his business dealings and private life emerged just before the last american election . The dark forces suppressed the story as they didn't want Trump to win the election at all costs . Such dealings with Burisma see below

    Forensic Deep Dive into the Bidens’ Ukrainian Blood Money. What the U.S. alphabet agencies and Mainstream Media hid from the public.
    On June 28, 2018, the Southern District of New York Court (Case 16-CR-371) convicted three individuals for security fraud. Most noteworthy was Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s partner in Rosemont-Seneca-Bohai, LLC (“RSB”). The criminal investigation subpoenas obtained the banking and investment records of RSB documenting security fraud. The RSB financial records further revealed substantial payments from the private Ukrainian energy company known as Burisma Holdings Limited to Devon Archer and Hunter Biden.

    Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were appointed to the Ukrainian Burisma board two months after the Coup d’état installed U.S. puppet Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine’s President. Not a mere coincidence since Vice President Joe Biden was Obama’s Ukraine point man. Neither Archer nor Biden had expertise in oil and gas nor spoke the language. The RSB records revealed that each received $83,333.33 per month as director fees over two years.

    a closer look at the leaked e mails states the 'big man' would receive 10 per cent of the director fees . work it for yourself who you think the 'big man 'is

    not just dodgy business dealings with Ukraine but with Russia and China has emerged on the laptop but also shall we say dodgy photos and footage

    the first lot of emails were leaked in December 2020 and more recently 2 weeks ago . Managed to capture quite a few leaked e mails when leaked

    There is still an investigation going on now but just like the Monarchy he will be protected by the dark forces me thinks

    hope that helps

  17. #42

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    There is still an investigation going on now but just like the Monarchy he will be protected by the dark forces me thinks
    They are all protected, and it's quite rare that stuff actually slips out, but that doesn't stop naïve people like Cyril declaring everything is a conspiracy theory because he heard it on CNN. The corruption and dodgy deals go back a very long way, and it happens with all political parties.

  18. #43

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Look, a word to the wise.

    The guy you are dealing with has regularly dated models, played football at a high level, is eligible for Mensa and once had an MIT Professor respond that his paper was PhD standard after having it being criticised by his tutor. He may well be a black belt in karate but he does tend to hide is light under a bushel.

    Also what he doesn't know about the Sandy Hook false flag, Hilary Clinton's involvement is a restaurant acting as a front for paedophiles, the death of Seth Rich, Pakistani IT guys hacking Democrat e-mails, the Clintons selling Uranium to the Russians for profit, the storm where the US military arrests paedophile sympathisers in high places and the movements of Chinese Aircraft carriers, frankly isn't worth knowing.

    You have been warned!
    That's a hell of an indictment

  19. #44

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
    That's a hell of an indictment
    That's not the half of it. He put a few of us in our place with his source document-based facts on Covid and US election balloting processes to such an extent that he took a year off from the Board to give us time to recover. Wisdom and magnanimity are rare qualities indeed!

  20. #45
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Look, a word to the wise.

    The guy you are dealing with has regularly dated models, played football at a high level, is eligible for Mensa and once had an MIT Professor respond that his paper was PhD standard after having it being criticised by his tutor. He may well be a black belt in karate but he does tend to hide is light under a bushel.

    Also what he doesn't know about the Sandy Hook false flag, Hilary Clinton's involvement is a restaurant acting as a front for paedophiles, the death of Seth Rich, Pakistani IT guys hacking Democrat e-mails, the Clintons selling Uranium to the Russians for profit, the storm where the US military arrests paedophile sympathisers in high places and the movements of Chinese Aircraft carriers, frankly isn't worth knowing.

    You have been warned!
    Yes, but apart from that?

  21. #46

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Yes, but apart from that?
    Apart from that, Cyril was sticking up for the depraved Mr Biden Jr. What type of person does a thing like that?

  22. #47

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Apart from that, Cyril was sticking up for the depraved Mr Biden Jr. What type of person does a thing like that?
    Clearly not someone who spent years on here sticking up for the depraved Mr Trump.

  23. #48

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Clearly not someone who spent years on here sticking up for the depraved Mr Trump.
    We seem to have reached that point a lot in Guley's latest reincarnation where all he has to offer is projection of words or positions onto people then never said or took. I am sure that he will quickly find the source documents, something that will always beat opinion or interpretation, so we can discuss this latest revelation with the objective evidence it clearly deserves.

  24. #49

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Clearly not someone who spent years on here sticking up for the depraved Mr Trump.
    Ah, more classic Lardy & Cyril misdirection. The issue was about the rule of law, i.e. trying to gain power through illegitimate means, and then trying to unseat a sitting president when the plan failed. Everything happening now, and in the near future will be a consequence of the failure to uphold the rule of law.

  25. #50

    Re: Hotting up for Hunter Biden

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Ah, more classic Lardy & Cyril misdirection. The issue was about the rule of law, i.e. trying to gain power through illegitimate means, and then trying to unseat a sitting president when the plan failed. Everything happening now, and in the near future will be a consequence of the failure to uphold the rule of law.
    Are you talking about the times Trump tried to gain power through illegitimate means (the attempted coup, numerous frivelous lawsuits etc) or something else?

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