Quote Originally Posted by uncle bob View Post
I am really struggling with this comedy gig I've volunteered to do for charity.
For those that know me well I'm usually a pretty confident type of person in general. But after week 3 of training, I am starting to doubt I can do this I am really finding it difficult to get up and present my 5 mins worth of material without getting all flustered and just not able to remember anything I've wrote.
My mind is just going completely blank when I get up in front of people and then I'm just stuttering and going into a sweat.

I believe it has now started effecting my day to day living so much so that my anxiety levels and blood pressure readings have hit an all time high.
So much so that it's on red on the machine saying seek immediate medical help.

I won't be dropping out as this should be a dream come true for me. But I just don't think I'll be able to function properly on the night and will balls it all up spectacularly in front of all my family and friends.
It's only 5 minutes I have to do but I've never experienced pressure like this it's absolutely mental torture.
Anyway, that's week 3 update.

Fingers crossed I don't have a clutcher before the gig. ❤️❤️🤞😂😂
Try and catch "This Morning" on the ITV HUB, either yesterday (Thurs 20th) or the day before, Sara Pascoe (comedienne) was on and was explaining some of the things your worried about as she's starting to tour again after 5 years off having had her first child. I'm sure there'll be things she talks about that'll be very useful too you.
Good luck!