Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
James if you have nothing useful to reply with, you don't need to turn on the condescending machine.

What I will say is I don't specifically remember anybody on here arguing against the scope/size of the furlough scheme at the time on here except me. I still hold the same view, that some kind of support scheme was necessary but that ours made little sense the more it unravelled. It felt a bit like Corbyn's manifesto where more and more imaginary money came leaking up through the floorboards as time went on. We are all paying for lack of measured response and scrutiny now and will be for the rest of our lives.
I think it's a valid reply to point out to people who dish out the usual tropes about him not caring about poorer people etc that the scale of help given to people in the pandemic was absolutely unprecedented. There's people on CCMB who would have lost jobs, homes and maybe lots more without it.

Yes, any chancellor would have done it, but therefore every chancellor should be praised for it.