Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Labour Party harrasment by panel lol


Labours NEC Panels have determined 636 investigations since 21 May 2020 or 118
investigations since the last report on 09 November 2021.

Cut for the same cloth closed institutions , the victims should go the police or media :

Of the 636 cases determined by NEC Panels since 21 May 2020: 59.91% have
involved allegations of antisemitism; 8.96% have involved constitutional
matters; 7.39% have involved bullying, harassment, or intimidation; 5.03%
have involved online conduct (e.g. abusive or unpleasant online conduct);
4.56% have involved some form of misconduct, typically elected
representatives that have been subject to standards investigations or
committed infractions of COVID restrictions; 3.93% have involved allegations
of Islamophobia; 3.30% have involved allegations of anti-black racism; 2.83%
have involved allegations of sexism; 1.26% have involved safeguarding
allegations; 1.26% have involved allegations of sexual harassment.
Can you post something which gives us the chance to compare Conservative figures with the Labour ones please?