I don't normally get involved it " goodbye posts " , when I wanted a break, I ( thought I had ) sent a message to Mike and said im taking a break, as if I announced I would be going I would get loads of people having a party and celebrating

But in Eric's case I will, ive had a few interactions with him, recently ive found his posts definiatly 1/2 empty, but we have a good % of negative people on here, a few weeks back someone posted about " protests at the next game " which really tickled me, maybe its the recent few years, but city fans have certainly got alot of negative ( and I find the welsh a fairly downbeat lot anyway, for the record im welsh ) but I honestly think this place will be worse off without him, his stat's are interesting and will be missed

Maybe Eric spends more time on the Alt forum, I dont, its got a fair few loons who bang the same drum with the same repetitive beat, personally I find this main forum fairly controlled now, Mike or Myself occasionally deletes the odd post that gets out of hand, its been a while since a load of posts have had to be deleted, which has to be a good sign, maybe this place isnt a " utter cesspit " after all

I will sat=y though, This place has always had a " pack mentality " , I should know that, as lets be honest, I should have jacked in here a long time ago, but you learn to take what you want from the place, a bit of a laugh and some city news, you adapt on what you use this place for, personally for me, I dont post like I did, people found my posts boring, thats fine, so maybe Eric can do the same, maybe avoid the loons forum

Dembe has a point above, people hold grudges here far too long, its all rather a little sad, but most social media places are the same, safety from behind the screen I guess

Ive always had the opinion to treat this place like your friendly bar, where everyone knows your name