Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
We aren't saying it. Jim Bob just wants to believe that or spin it in a way that causes division. The only people causing that division are the ones who constantly tell us that it doesn't matter. Well, it does matter, for obvious reasons that don't need explaining if someone possesses half a brain cell. Things like this make Jimo and the rest of them angry, but they present themselves as being non-plussed by a black man doing something that not many Black people achieve or get the opportunity to achieve in this country. Their blase attitude to it (And everyone else should feel the same) attitude is a smpke screen for their own prejudices, it's a cover up, it's insulting, it's another attempt by White people to take control of other cultures or how people feel and completely dismissive of everything that has gone on before. Basically, it's right wing bullshit.
Talk about not getting it.

Of course few people get to achieve that position! It's head of the frigging country! No one gets to that position easily. But it is who got the position thats important.

And as if to prove how divisive people like you can be, there you go making a series of negative stereotypes about people based on race. Your position seriously needs challenging more as you won't take us to a good place, your position is taking us back decades in race relations, retreating people into tribes instead of one society which we should aim for