Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
Talk about not getting it.

Of course few people get to achieve that position! It's head of the frigging country! No one gets to that position easily. But it is who got the position thats important.

And as if to prove how divisive people like you can be, there you go making a series of negative stereotypes about people based on race. Your position seriously needs challenging more as you won't take us to a good place, your position is taking us back decades in race relations, retreating people into tribes instead of one society which we should aim for
Talk about ignoring everything that has gone on before. Where's your starting point Jim? You do know why things like black people getting into positions of power are talked about, Don't you? You do know why Governments, local authorities etc have had to or been forced to implement policies like positive discrimination etc, which probably pisses you off, but probably pisses of people of colour, women, Disabled people even more so. Because they've probably never wanted 'Special Treatment ' they just wanted a level playing field to start, with, fairness Jim. That wasn't and still isn't the case in our society, so it is important to recognise groups of people who have had to work much harder to achieve certain things in life.

And another thing, can't you see that the attitude by some people who shout loudest about recognising people of colour achieving in places where they historically haven't is another way of taking control of things, it's a more subtle kind of racism dressed up passively.