Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
Very true, here is an article you may find interesting:-

"The 8 Main Ways Technology Impacts Your Daily Life in 2024"

1. Improved Communication
2. AI Changing The Way We Work
3. Decreased Privacy
4. Accessible Shopping
5. Better Information Access
6. Virtual Social Lives
7. Remote Working
8. Four Day Workweek

A good summary of the positives of technology with only brief mentions of the negatives. As I have said, there is nothing wrong with technology per se, but there is sometimes in the way it is used of course e.g. Facebook as a means of cyber bullying kids.

My main worry is that my grandchildrens generation, and more likely their children's generation will become 100% reliant on it in every facet of life. Currently we still have some alternative options for example we still have physical cash that we can carry around with us, although even then if the tills don't work it is impossible to buy anything. Ever tried parking your car in a Pay by Phone car park to find that there is no signal? Can't switch the lights or heating on because the trendy Hive system is on the blink? (I don't have this I hasten to add, but my son has and he has had this problem. I see they have discontinued the product now!). The ultimate worry of course is that hackers will have a field day turning off public utilities and causing chaos.