Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Let's call the latest figures 750 k

600k include students , many of whom return ......and Ukrainian families ......many of whom return

So we have illegal immigrants , asylum seekers and usual migration , a figure of 150 k

It seems having a sensible immigration policy regarding the above and cracking down on illegal immigrants is perfectly achievable

Brexit was sold to many to sort this out

That's worked well

So now they want to vote reform
Absolutely spot on.

Immigration is the argument that the political right keep spewing out to try and gain support. As you say, Brexit was about taking control of our borders, though we already had that control anyway. Since then there has been endless talk about "stopping the boats" and sorting out immigration. The point is that most immigration cannot be sorted out. Universities rely on foreign students. Plaid Cymru have asked the Welsh Government for Wales to be a special case and to allow foreign students into Welsh universities in the event of foreign student numbers being cut.

The Tories have had 14 years and Brexit to sort out immigration. It's not as easy as some people think. They just see figures and have no idea of what is really going on. I've almost got fed up of discussing immigration with those who don't know what they're talking about and have no interest in being educated.