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Thread: Parking outside someone else's house?

  1. #1

    Parking outside someone else's house?

    Some people really don't like that do they?

    Especially near a City centre or railway station or something!

  2. #2

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebina View Post
    Some people really don't like that do they?

    Especially near a City centre or railway station or something!
    Try parking outside Buckingham Palace.

  3. #3

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebina View Post
    Some people really don't like that do they?

    Especially near a City centre or railway station or something!
    If there aren't any restrictions then there's no problem. Most built up areas are restricted, Canton, Roath, Cathays etc, the places where alot of houses don't have a drive. Some people seem to think that they own that little piece of road outside their house. I'd let them have it as long as they were willing to re-tarmac it every 5 years and repair any street lighting that may fall on their little patch.

  4. #4

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Problem is those drivers who ignore dropped kerbs between driveways, etc.

    We had routine problems with parking on pavements meaning buggies couldn't get through, parking on road in narrow street meaning ambulances couldn't get through. Only got resolved once police got involved, which involved at one point getting a number towed away.

  5. #5
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    It is perfectly legal to park outside someone's house, unless the vehicle is blocking a driveway or a wheel is over a dropped kerb.

  6. #6

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    If there aren't any restrictions then there's no problem. Most built up areas are restricted, Canton, Roath, Cathays etc, the places where alot of houses don't have a drive. Some people seem to think that they own that little piece of road outside their house. I'd let them have it as long as they were willing to re-tarmac it every 5 years and repair any street lighting that may fall on their little patch.
    Although, in my experience, restrictions often allow anybody to park free for say up to 2 hours. So residents pay extra for permits but often can't park near their home and people who want to save a few quid on parking for occasional trips into town get to do so for free.

  7. #7

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Bloke next to me is an arse , hes got a rusty old land rover he drives to his allotment every day , bloody idiot parks on the pavement outside his house , with his driver side wheels up on the kerb

    If hes away digging his veg and a mate comes around to visit I make sure they park in what he thinks is his space , really pisses him off , not as much as having to look out at his rusty old land rover

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    At my last house, my next door neighbour would block my car in by parking across the drive. One time he refused to move it when I knocked him - it was at 4am and I had to get to Sheffield for work. I had to call the police, they arrived at 6 and he eventually moved complaining that I should not be knocking him at 4am.

    Another time, a bloke parked across my drive and was a bit offended when I said he couldn't park there because we were going out a bit later. I got all sorts of verbals off him. He was visiting someone about 8/9 houses away, so it would have taken me ages to find out whose car it was.

    Another time I was blocked in by some git who was in the pub opposite. My neighbour blocked him in, and when he knocked my door the next morning he said "Can you move your f***** car, I can't get out". I said "No, sorry, I can't move my car because some inconsiderate twat has blocked me in".

    It was a regular occurrence in that house, I was quite happy to move.

  9. #9

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    One of my neighbours came home to find somebody had parked their car actually on her drive and walked into town to do some shopping.

  10. #10

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    The amount of people who have a lovely driveway built in front of their house where there previously wasn't one or was a garden, and then don't get the kerb dropped is truly astounding. Councils have clocked this, it'll be the next big fine frenzy.

    A completely deserved fine for being stupid, as well.

  11. #11

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    One of my neighbours came home to find somebody had parked their car actually on her drive and walked into town to do some shopping.
    Worst bit is that's legal.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Worst bit is that's legal.
    How do you make that legal?

  13. #13

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    you can't drive anywhere anyway....why move your car.

  14. #14

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Worst bit is that's legal.
    Is it really? I'd suggest it's wise to know who owns the property before taking the piss like that mind.

    On another legal question another neighbour built a garage at the bottom of their garden which provides access to a road, but requires him to drive over the pavement and across yellow lines to get to it. Is that legal? I wouldn't normally care but 'er indoors told me he had a word with her once because she stopped on said road briefly to let her elderly parents out. I was thinking about having a chat with him about his DIY garage access if it's dodgy and he pulls a trick like that again.

    Besides which he had a word with the misses for stopping for a minute on yellow lines and the daft bugger has to leave his own car in the same place most days whilst he goes back to close his garage door.

  15. #15

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    How do you make that legal?
    It's one of the vagaries of the law, unfortunately.

    Same as it's illegal to block you in, but it's not illegal if you're trying to get back into your driveway and someone has blocked you from doing so.

    Some student at UHW parked on a neighbours drive, police came out and pointed out they couldn't do anything.

  16. #16

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    One of my neighbours came home to find somebody had parked their car actually on her drive and walked into town to do some shopping.
    I'd want to block the fecker in or ideally get a friend / neighbour to do so, then when they call to the house to ask me to move my car I could deny all knowledge & enjoy watching.

  17. #17

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    By me it's a nightmare, I frequently have to park 2 or 3 streets away, as the entire street is filled with people who work nearby or want to go shopping and don't want to pay to park their car, there are some great big carparks that are almost empty most of the time.

    Since the lockdown I've been able to park straight outside my house 90% of the time.
    If I wasn't moving soon I'd be asking the council to make it residents permits only

  18. #18

  19. #19

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    One of my neighbours came home to find somebody had parked their car actually on her drive and walked into town to do some shopping.
    I would get everyone I know to come and help me move the car into the middle of the street, what a cheeky twat!

  20. #20

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Bloke next to me is an arse , hes got a rusty old land rover he drives to his allotment every day , bloody idiot parks on the pavement outside his house , with his driver side wheels up on the kerb

    If hes away digging his veg and a mate comes around to visit I make sure they park in what he thinks is his space , really pisses him off , not as much as having to look out at his rusty old land rover

  21. #21

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    I used tio have to travel to different town centres to work and would always park legally in the nearest street I could, it doesn't half piss people off!

    I understand because I previously lived near the funeral palour in Birchgrove and every so often cars would fill the street, but thats life you have to accept it and moved!

  22. #22

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    I (used to) drive regularly to away games. Became a bit of fun trying to find free parking using Google Maps, even to the extent of trying to read the parking restrictions on the road signs using the zoom facility on streetview. Never had an issue with the places I parked but misread the signs at Blackburn away this season and the £40 fine cancelled out the season's savings!

  23. #23

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Bloke living next to me is a right perv. Loads of knickers have gone missing from the neighbours washing lines. He's always blasting out heavy metal, and walking about the place dressed like a 15 year old in his Anthrax t-shirt. I quite often hear him abusing the lovely Christians that live next door to him too.
    I like to wind him up by parking my lovely Land Rover outside my house. Sometimes I even put the driver side wheels on the pavement.

  24. #24

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by valleys caveman View Post
    Bloke living next to me is a right perv. Loads of knickers have gone missing from the neighbours washing lines. He's always blasting out heavy metal, and walking about the place dressed like a 15 year old in his Anthrax t-shirt. I quite often hear him abusing the lovely Christians that live next door to him too.
    I like to wind him up by parking my lovely Land Rover outside my house. Sometimes I even put the driver side wheels on the pavement.
    I knew I would flush you out you ****

  25. #25

    Re: Parking outside someone else's house?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I knew I would flush you out you ****

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