I am not taking the piss here because I am carrying a bit of timber

But how did Kirk Douglas, Charlton Heston and the rest get such good physiques in the past ?

I would assume by running , swimming , doing sit ups , press ups , basic weights etc

And by eating fresh fruit , vegetables , chicken , fish etc

Surely it's as simple as that , plus your genetics ?

Not only do all this diets seem complicated , they would drive me potty implementing them into daily life

I have all bran with a banana and blueberries for breakfast

A light lunch of ryvita , cottage cheese and tomato

And something like chicken or beef stew , including potatoes , carrots , swede and parsnips in the evening

Exercise is a bit of walking and press ups , squats and dumbells

What did the fitness freaks do when we didnt have all these gym machines , protein shakes and carb free diets ?

I saw a newsreel of vera Lynn with some soldiers at the end of the second world war , these guys were ripped !

Some of the original body builders ......which isnt my thing .....from the early seventies ......big blokes !