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Thread: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

  1. #1

    Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    They’ve achieved they goal though sadly TOBW. A prime minister with no spine called a daft referendum which most people didn’t realise the complexities of as he was scared of these idiots.
    Never in British political history did the tail wag the dog more.

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    If they elected Jo Marney they'd walk the next election. She's got more spirit and a better body than most politicians. That Henry Bolton is far too young for her. She needs an older man like myself to temper her feistiness.


  4. #4

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    It's time for a new political party to emerge with fresh ideas. Let's see what happens after the stormy weather is over.

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    For all the huff and puff Farage couldn't win a seat in OUR parliament despite
    several attempts.

    UKIP was a blip of cranky twats and their day has been and gone.

    Remainer til I die.

  6. #6
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's time for a new political party to emerge with fresh ideas. Let's see what happens after the stormy weather is over.
    Hope we don't get too wet.

  7. #7
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Speaking to folk who have voted for them who are mainly labour voters ,I get the feeling they would if the right messages were they they would , even before Brexit they did get a 2 million vote ,their overall message resonated in the poorer areas

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Will the Clinton/Obama/Merkel globalist view of the world survive?

  9. #9

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Will the Clinton/Obama/Merkel globalist view of the world survive?
    Wrong thread to comment. You’ve got about 5000 others which you’ve started to talk about this 👍

  10. #10

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Wrong thread to comment. You’ve got about 5000 others which you’ve started to talk about this ��
    BlueWales stated in this very thread that he is a Remainer til he dies. I was merely querying whether there will be anything left to be a remainer of

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    BlueWales stated in this very thread that he is a Remainer til he dies. I was merely querying whether there will be anything left to be a remainer of

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    If they elected Jo Marney they'd walk the next election. She's got more spirit and a better body than most politicians. That Henry Bolton is far too young for her. She needs an older man like myself to temper her feistiness.


  13. #13
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post

  14. #14
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'm all out of hope atm

  15. #15
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Good on you Henry for punching above yer weight, in more ways than one .

    Release the Farage

  16. #16

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Speaking to folk who have voted for them who are mainly labour voters ,I get the feeling they would if the right messages were they they would , even before Brexit they did get a 2 million vote ,their overall message resonated in the poorer areas
    Do you value the opinion of xenophobe 50 something unionist Welsh, I don't, the sooner they drop dead the better.

  17. #17
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    Do you value the opinion of xenophobe 50 something unionist Welsh, I don't, the sooner they drop dead the better.
    No, I dont value their opinion or bigotry .

    I did say I was talking to folk that used to vote labour or still do .

    It appears they are at complete odds with the free movement and Immigration views of the Labour as it impacts onto their communities .

    The Brexit vote saw UKIP came 3rd ,in Wales ,13.6% of the vote, my gut feeling says that fact is still in play ,therefore yes they could seep back to UKIP .

    They dont differentiate between refugees, entry via Calais ,or the European fee movement plan , they just see services squeezed .

    The impact has a long history going back to the Blair government , and in hindsight the mistake ,to enable early entry of 2 million people on free movement ,without bolstering services in areas like the poor English seaside town ,and the valleys .

    Labour need a strong policy statement on this to avoid a voter slip back to a UKIP .

  18. #18
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    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    A lot of the mess we currently find ourselves in goes straight back to Blair, mass immigration and the squeeze on resources, students getting into 45k debt to do a degree, the mess in Iraq, ISIS, Arab spring , massive PFI debts, the Welsh Assembly, rampant horrible Scottish nationalism - all of them a result of Tony Blair and some hair brained ideas - I'll give him credit - he thought he was doing the right thing at the time, apart from mass immigration - which he did deliberately
    Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes were introduced to the UK under the John Major Government in the 1990s, with the first PFI project [Skye Bridge] tested in Scotland.

    Blair then exploited more than anyone ,initially folk thought it was a good idea ,even socialist as it allowed Goverments like Blair's to bolster NHS funding and other social measures such as rough sleeping , I dont think anyone in goverment plans on disasters

  19. #19

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    A lot of the mess we currently find ourselves in goes straight back to Blair, mass immigration and the squeeze on resources, students getting into 45k debt to do a degree, the mess in Iraq, ISIS, Arab spring , massive PFI debts, the Welsh Assembly, rampant horrible Scottish nationalism - all of them a result of Tony Blair and some hair brained ideas - I'll give him credit - he thought he was doing the right thing at the time, apart from mass immigration - which he did deliberately
    How often are you in Scotland Mambo?

  20. #20

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    How often are you in Scotland Mambo?
    I'd take Welsh independence tomorrow if primarily it meant remaining in the EU, but also, and ironically the rampant vile bigotry of the little Britain insular underclasses and being governed by a tosspot public schoolboy elite has left me devoid of any loyalty to or fondness for mainstream contemporary GB.

    I'm sure many Scots feel the same way, yet for aspiring for something different They're labelled as vile, dangerous, hate filled nats...Mental innit.

  21. #21

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Im half Scottish Eric, have family there - so once a year - sometimes twice - thanks for asking though

    The independent vote - was horrible, listening to the relatives (on both sides) some of the stuff that went on - horrible nasty nats - not all obviously - but lots of it,
    Where abouts? My sister has been married to a Scot for ~15 years so have spent quite a bit of time up there and never heard a word of it. I would be considered English to them too (1/2 Welsh by grandparents but born and brought up in England) so I would have thought I might get a load of shit up there but never.

    Not entirely sure how Blair can be blamed for what Scottish people think or say, you might have to explain that one.

  22. #22

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Have family all over, I think Blair and devolution was a bad thing in a way that it then led up to the near break up of the UK - (as well as adding a new layer of red tape, and on the whole a waste of time) - just my opinion though - no need to go off on one.

    Eric - did you used to be Dr Tim Muff on here ? (strange question - but you both seem very similar)
    Nah not me, I was around when DTM was on here.

    I don't think devolution can be attributed as the driver of nationalist feeling in Scotland - it certainly hasn't had the same effect in Wales.

    The government is meant to listen to it's people, there was a demand for more localised power and they delivered that. Ironically Welsh and Scottish devolution has driven significant nationalist feeling in England for quite understandable reasons.

    By the same token, would you blame Cameron for giving Scotland the vote? Some people do but I wouldn't.

  23. #23

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Have family all over, I think Blair and devolution was a bad thing in a way that it then led up to the near break up of the UK - (as well as adding a new layer of red tape, and on the whole a waste of time) - just my opinion though - no need to go off on one.

    Eric - did you used to be Dr Tim Muff on here ? (strange question - but you both seem very similar)
    **** the UK, sooner it breaks up the better, if you're so familiar with Scotland visit in July, there's more Orange order marches than there is in Ireland. Thats how British nationalism manifests itself in the central belt, out and out racism and religious hatred. The SNP arent my bag but they are at least all inclusive regardless of race or religion. That's some nerve you've got pigeon holeing them when your own in Scotland are still as twisted racist and violent as they've always been.

  24. #24

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    the rampant vile bigotry of the little Britain insular underclasses
    You claim to be against hatred yet there is a lot of hatred in that statement.

    I suppose you think the "underclasses" should be grateful for being pushed out of the labour market by immigrants who are not too worried about health and safety standards and who are prepared to work for less money. Should they also be grateful for the hospital overcrowding and the housing shortages caused by immigration?

  25. #25

    Re: Anyone still prepared to vote UKIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You claim to be against hatred yet there is a lot of hatred in that statement.

    I suppose you think the "underclasses" should be grateful for being pushed out of the labour market by immigrants who are not too worried about health and safety standards and who are prepared to work for less money. Should they also be grateful for the hospital overcrowding and the housing shortages caused by immigration?

    Why are you blaming immigrants instead of those that are employing them as cheap labour?

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