Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I’ve barely contributed to this thread, so I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve that dig, but since you went out of your way to mention me, I’ll have my say. Thankfully, I have different opinions to you and some of the other forelock tuggers in this thread and I sometimes set them out on here, I’m not sure, in fact I’m certain I do so by saying I’m more intelligent than you or that you are stupid.

This morning Andrew Marr told me I was wrong for not being interested in yesterday’s funeral, well, if we go by this story


It seems that 50 million others in the UK were not interested enough to ensure that they had access to yesterday’s broadcast and that puts the emphasis the media has put on Prince Philip’s death and funeral into some sort of perspective.
I'm not entirely surev# that you meant to say those words, but as you are by your own admission far more intelligent than others must I assume that you did?