Quote Originally Posted by caerkid View Post
The one thing I agree with Sunak on (but obviously for different reasons) is that the country isn't anywhere near ready to make the hard and uncomfortable decisions that will be needed in the coming years. We've got an entire entitled generation who have rarely had to sacrifice even an inch and who now see any small change as an attack on their freedom (and it's always 'their' freedom). Policies that say 'you making small changes with X would all add up to helping with Y' are never going to be accepted by these people and while I don't think they're quite the majority, they are often the loudest person in the room.

It's clear that the changes needed won't happen until that lot are gone or are safely drooling in their chairs (not too long to go though based on some of the evidence at least). I dread to think how the youngest generation will look back on this but atleast that's nothing new.
Do you think this may be a rather dramatic escalation to the reality that most just want to see a return to the speed limits that we had in place a couple of weeks ago?

Just a smidge of an escalation?