We can prove that if you mix a naked flame and petrol you get a fire 🔥

That's science

That's not belief or faith ......its a fact

You are asked to give facts and evidence that there is a God.........and all you can do is say is quote stuff that is in a book

Saying God has come into your life is no more evidence of his existence than saying you have seen a ghost

If you asked me to prove to you that drinking washing up liquid would make make me sick then I could do it

Science is not perfect but it trumps faith and belief all the time

We don't know WHY drinking coca cola is safer than drinking washing up liquid but it's a scientific fact ......both are man made , one makes you vomit 🤮

But when we ask for a fact or evidence to prove that God exists here and now ......you can't do it.....believing he exists is not proof

In all the time he's been around and in the time since Jesus died and apparently came back from the dead nobody who has lost a parent or a friend has evidence that this person has been reborn or is in heaven

But your belief is that Jesus was reborn and that there is a heaven

If I was God then I would be regularly making sure that the whole world was being shown evidence of him , his existence and the afterlife

In the same way that a new cancer drug has to prove it works before doctors use it

It's a very simple plea but it's never answered or excuses are made