This is an issue that interests me and for several reasons I won't go into.

I think we all understand that the need to be protect the vulnerable from relatives who may want to coerce them for malevolent purposes but I don't think that everyone should be denied the the right to end their lives in some circumstances where they consider their condition to be very serious, intolerable, irreversible and permanent/worsening.
(From enquiries I have made, the process with Switzerland-based Dignitas takes several months and 'acceptance' is not guaranteed. It's also very costly).

Yes, a lot of safeguarding laws and regulations need to be put in place but there must be an alternative to suicide for those who are determined to end their lives when they choose (and some people whose physical or mental condition worsens considerably are the least able to commit suicide anyway).

I would be grateful if the religious contributors don't pile in with their views on this one as we have enough religious arguments on the message board already.