Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
The issue was about a scientific experiment that verified that prayer had some measure of impact on the patients who were prayed for. That may not be helpful for you, after deciding that God doesn't exist, but there it is.
Yet having made a false allegation about my previous post, you've now switched subject to the existence of God!

If you'd like to make a case for Life and the Universe existing WITHOUT the need for an Almighty & Intelligent Being then go right ahead, you will be the first in history to do that...

.....but don't let that stop you.....
As I've said to you many times, I'm not making the case for anything, other than pointing out the faults in your continued posting of information which you seem to believe prove God exists. Which of course it doesn't. In this case, for example, you have quoted a study which shows that praying can have a positive effect on health. And, as is your habit, you then make the enormous and unproven leap to claim that it shows that God exists. It doesn't. It proves, that in some cases, praying has a positive effect on health.